Tell Governor Justice: Don’t Let People Go Hungry, Veto HB 4001

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
West Virginia
Citizen Action Group
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A somewhat watered down version of HB 4001, which would further restrict access to food assistance (SNAP) by imposing work requirements on certain recipients, passed both houses of the legislature close to midnight on the final day of the session. As it stands now, the bill would expand the state’s failed nine-county pilot to eight more counties and completely eliminate the ability of the state to obtain waivers from the work requirement by October 2022.

This is still a bad bill that hurts vulnerable people and we need to urge Governor Justice for a veto.

Please call and send a letter to the Governor’s office now, and tell him to veto HB 4001. 

Call (304)-558-2000 or 1-(888)438-2731 and email 

Governor Justice has always said he doesn’t want to hurt anyone but HB 4001 will do just that. Veterans with undiagnosed PTSD, the homeless, non-custodial parents and the kids they look after, and those in recovery from addiction are especially at risk of losing their benefits. 

Please contact Governor Justice today and tell him not to let people go hungry. Tell him to veto HB 4001. 

Governor’s Office Phone: (304) 558-2000 or 1-(888)-438-2731


These changes to SNAP hurt our economy and our people. The nine-county pilot reduced the state’s SNAP caseload by 5,417 people. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, in a weak economy, every $1 in SNAP benefits generates $1.70 in our local economy. In 2016, SNAP brought $499 million in federal dollars to West Virginia. The Department of Health and Human Resources estimates that expansion of the work requirements will result in $18 million fewer federal SNAP dollars circulating in West Virginia’s economy. 

Please call and send a letter to the Governor’s office now. Tell him to protect our most vulnerable and our economy, and veto HB 4001. 

Call (304)-558-2000 or 1-(888)438-2731 and email 

Yours for Action,


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