Tell Your Senators: Expand Medicare! 

expand Medicare rally

We have a huge opportunity to expand Medicare in the Senate reconciliation package.

And we need your voice!

Call your Senators at 202-509-9128 tell them to expand Medicare in the reconciliation package. You can say:

“Hi, my name is [Name]. I live in [State] and I’m calling to urge [Senator] to expand Medicare!

Specifically, the reconciliation package must:

1. Give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices

2. Expand Medicare to cover dental, vision, and hearing care

3. Lower the Medicare eligibility age

Can I count on the Senator to support these critical health care priorities?” 

Oct 24 2023  Newsletter article
Medicare Drug Price Negotiations & the First 10 Named Drugs
Sep 28 2023  Advocacy Letter
Letter to Biden Administration Showing Our Support on Rx Price Negotiations
Jul 28 2023  Action Alert Press Release
MEDIA ADVISORY: Join Healthcare For All WV at 9th St. Live TONIGHT!
Jul 27 2023  Press Release
PRESS RELEASE: Medicare Patients Count Down to Lower Drug Costs As 58th Anniversary Approaches
Updated: August 5, 2021 — 11:46 am
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