The Truth About Medicare Advantage

"The Truth About Medicare Advantage. Learn how Medicare advantage benefit insurers, not patients! Register: August 14 @ 7pm"

Are you or your loved ones considering a Medicare Advantage plan? Before you decide, join us at our upcoming healthcare meeting to learn the truth about Medicare Advantage.

Date: This Wednesday, August 14th at 7 p.m.

Location: Zoom


Our featured speaker, Dr. Daniel Doyle with Physicians for a National Health Program – WV Chapter, will discuss the hidden dangers of Medicare Advantage Plans and reveal how Medicare Advantage really works as well as its impact on patient care.

Insurance giants report billions in profits, while patients and hospitals struggle with privatized plans? Don’t miss the Q&A session to get your Medicare concerns addressed.

Let’s raise awareness about the truth about Medicare Advantage. Knowledge is power – especially when it comes to your health care!

Read more about how WV CAG supports healthcare in our work here.

P.S. Come see us at 9th Street Live in Huntington on August 9! We’ll be tabling at the event. Kick-off the weekend this Friday on 9th Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues in Downtown Huntington! Visit their Facebook event.

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