CAG Action Alert

Time is running out!

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
West Virginia
Citizen Action Group
Mar 21, 2019 View / Comment Online



Time is running out! Contact Governor Justice TODAY and urge him to veto HB 2010 and SB 622.

It’s easy to do with the online action forms below. You can also call his office at 304.558.2000. Every email and phone call matters!

HB 2010, if signed into law by Governor Justice, will make DHHR turn child welfare and foster care over to a managed care organization (MCO); meaning our government would experiment with the lives of our most vulnerable kids and families by making our state the only one in the country to give a combination of Medicaid and child welfare funds to an MCO. Read more about HB 2010 and its affects here.

We should be protecting these kids and families, not experimenting with vital funds that could be used in better ways! Take action NOW and send a letter to Governor Justice asking that he veto HB 2010.

Don’t worry, we have a sample email you can use – send as is or add your own comments.

SB 622 dramatically increases the amount an individual can give to a candidates, political action committees and political parties. Yet most West Virginians can’t afford to give $1,000 to their favorite candidates, let alone the new, nearly tripled upper limit of $2,800. So it’s worth asking: Who wants these higher limits?

We have contribution limits to prevent corruption, but the other important function of contribution limits is to ensure that all West Virginians, no matter how much they make, have an equal voice and equal representation with their state elected officials.

Supporters say the bill increases transparency, but transparency shouldn’t come at the expense of equal participation in our democracy. And if we’re really interested in transparency we need to make dark money the first target.

SB 622 violates this fundamental principle of fairness by giving a greater voice to the wealthy and special interests that try to buy our elections, and that’s wrong!  

Send Governor Justice a message today. Tell him to veto SB 622 and support a strong transparency bill that brings real disclosure to dark money spending in our elections.

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