URGENT: Health Care Bills Need Your Help TODAY!

These issues need your action today!

CAMPUS CARRY BILL on the verge of Becoming Law!

The House Judiciary Committee held a public hearing on the Campus Carry bill (SB 10), which would allow people with concealed carry permits to bring guns onto the campuses of West Virginia colleges and universities. Thank you to all the West Virginians who came out to speak against this dangerous legislation, especially our students. Unfortunately, it has passed both houses as of yesterday and is on its way to the Governor.

Contact Governor Justice today.
Call 304.558.2000 or 1.888.438.2731 and tell him to veto this bill! 


Besides the obvious irreversible health damage that can be done when diabetics can’t afford their insulin or supplies, the economic impact for our state is serious and hard to ignore. Please click here to see statistics on the impact from WVU Health Sciences Center.

SB 577 is a bill to lower the costs of insulin and diabetic supplies for those with traditional insurance. It will be on its third reading in the Senate today. We are hoping it passes quickly and moves to the House! This is where we really need you!

Because of other healthcare bills that are going through this year, leadership has said that no insurance bills would be considered this session. That would make diabetics who needed this bill last year would have to wait another year. They can’t wait!

We need you! Take 2 minutes out of your day.
Contact Speaker Roger Hanshaw.

Tell him NOT to put this urgent bill off for another year. Don’t leave the families of diabetics to suffer this financial burden during a time when inflation is making it difficult for people to pay their bills, buy food or afford to take care of themselves.

And contact House Health Committee Chair
Delegate Amy Summers (R) Taylor Co.

Ask her to move quickly to get the bill passed when it comes to the House! The sooner we get it on the agenda the more time we will have to get it passed.


SB 269 would raise the Medicaid Dental Benefit from $1,000 to $2,000 a year for adult recipients. Dental and vision health are vital and inseparable from overall health. The WV Legislature voted to expand dental coverage for adult recipients of Medicaid in 2021. Prior to this change, Medicaid only covered dental extractions, leaving many lost without affordable dental coverage to prevent and treat common dental health problems. 

This bill is a natural next step to expand health equity in the state of West Virginia. SB 269 passed the Senate Health and Human Resources Committee unanimously and has since sat with the Senate Finance Committee for three weeks. Time is being cut close for this bill to be passed through the WV Senate and moved to the WV House of Delegates. Thank You Senator Takubo for introducing this vitally important bill.

Contact your WV Senators, tell them why you support SB 269 and
ask them to support dental coverage for all West Virginians too.

Then contact Senator Eric Tarr (Chair of the Senate Finance Committee) and urge him to put SB 269 on the Senate Finance Committee agenda! 

Tell your lawmakers you support 
better dental health for the folks of this state!














We are very excited to see the Affordable Medicaid Buy-in Bill moving! This bill would be a life-saver for so many families who struggle to pay for high-priced insurance with low-wage jobs! As more and more legislators are being educated on this important new plan, more are signing on as sponsors!

Please click here to read an article from Mountain State Spotlight on this exciting new bill!

Email or call your House Representative and
tell them West Virginia NEEDS this bill!

Best of health to you and your loved ones,

Kim Jones

Coalition Coordinator
Health Care for All WV

Health care is vitally important to all of us, our loved ones, and our communities.

Join us as we work to move state and federal policies to improve health care access, affordability and equity for all in West Virginia.

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Health Care For All WV is a coalition campaign made up of
West Virginians for Affordable Health CareWest Virginia Center on Budget and Policy, and West Virginia Citizen Action Education Fund.