The West Virginians for Democracy Coalition hosted a “John Lewis National Day of Commemoration and Action” event on the four-year mark of the passing of Rep. John
Lewis, joining 150 events happening in 41 states and Washington, D.C. to celebrate his
extraordinary legacy. Residents also called on Congress to pass critical legislation to protect the freedom to vote, end gerrymandering, and get money out of politics to realize Rep. Lewis’ vision for a democracy that works for all of us.
Three years have passed since the failed attack on our nation and our democracy on January 6th. Since that day, anti-voter laws have been passed in states all over the country, and the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent rulings have made clear that it will not act to protect the sacred right to vote.
To do this, Congress must pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the Freedom To Vote Act, the Native American Voting Rights Act, and the Washington D.C. Admission Act.
Speakers (in order of appearance):
- Emcee – Karen Williams, Community Activist and Advocate
- Rev. Ron English, President, NAACP Charleston Branch
- Rev. Marlon Collins, Pastor, Shiloh Baptist Church
- Kenny Matthews, WV Economic Justice Associate for American Friends Service Committee
- Kathy Ferguson, Community Activist and Advocate
- Gary Zuckett, Executive Director of WV Citizen Action (WV CAG)
- Pam Garrison, Tri-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign WV, Board Member of the Yale School of Public Theology and Public Policy
- Ryan Kirkpatrick, Youth Organizer, Young WV Forward
- Wes Holden, 10th Generation West Virginian, Veteran (Vietnam War Era)
West Virginians for Democracy and partners hosted this event in collaboration with the Declaration for American Democracy, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the Black Voters Matter Fund, the League of Women Voters, the Transformative Justice Coalition, Public Citizen, and dozens of other organizations as part of the John Lewis National Day of Commemoration and Action.