Contact: Gary Zuckett 304-346-5891 or Kenny Perdue 304-344-3557
WV Labor and Community Groups to Join TOGETHER & Rally for Workers Rights and the American Dream
Building on 2-26 Rally attended by Hundreds, as many as a Thousand may show up
In Wisconsin and around our country, the American Dream is under fierce attack. Instead of creating jobs, politicians are giving huge tax breaks to corporations and the very rich—and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response, and vital human services.
WV AFL-CIO President, Kenny Perdue said, “Governor Walker (Wisconsin) and Governor Kasich (Ohio) need to concentrate on fixing their budgets … not attacking workers’ rights!”
On March 12th concerned citizens from across West Virginia will join with community leaders, labor leaders and elected officials to stand in support of the rights of Wisconsin and Ohio’s public employees.
“Collective bargaining built the middle class and every worker has the right to bargain collectively,” said Larry Matheney, WV AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer.
“Every person in this country deserves to live the American Dream: a secure job that will support a family, a safe home and quality education. We can no longer be diverted by skewed priorities like unnecessary military spending, continuing tax breaks for billionaires and letting Exxon and other corporations get away with paying zero federal taxes last year while voting for Billions in additional subsidies for Big Oil,” stated Gary Zuckett, Chair of WV United & Exec. Dir. of Citizen Action.
Special Guest Speaker, Ohio AFL-CIO President, Tim Burga
Who: WV AFL-CIO, West Virginians United Coalition, Kanawha Valley Labor, Council, Elected Officials, & Concerned Citizens
What: Solidarity Rally in support of Wisconsin and Ohio’s Public Employees and The American Dream
When: Saturday, March 12th – 12:30 PM
Where: State Capitol – Lincoln Plaza (River side of the Complex)