WV Navigator Hosting Two Health Insurance Enrollment Events

Aug 4th in HUNTINGTON, Aug 5th in CHARLESTON


West Virginians Have Until Aug. 15 to Sign Up and Can Save $183 per Month

Dramatic changes in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have made it possible for many more WV residents to get affordable health insurance but the deadline to enroll is fast approaching.  To assist more West Virginians get enrolled, WV Navigator will participate in the Biden-Harris Administration’s “Summer Sprint to Coverage”, a nationwide campaign to get more Americans enrolled in quality health plans at a lower cost.  WV Navigator will host two enrollment events to assist West Virginians with enrollment in Medicaid, CHIP and private insurance plans available through the Marketplace.  The events occur on Wednesday, August 4th at the Cabell County Public Library, located at 455 9th Street, in Huntington and Thursday, August 5th at A More Excellent Way Life Center Church, located at 504 Virginia Street W, in Charleston. Enrollment assisters will be available from noon until 6 PM. No appointment is necessary and walk-ins are welcome all day.  Additionally, providers will be onsite to administer COVID-19 vaccines for anyone interested.

Anyone who is not eligible for insurance through Medicare, Medicaid, or employer-based insurance is eligible to purchase private Marketplace insurance.  New rules have expanded subsidies and lowered monthly premiums by an average of $183 per month. Anyone currently enrolled or those who are uninsured and need coverage can take advantage of the enhanced financial help. Even most high-income earners will now be able to qualify for the lower-cost plans.  West Virginians have until August 15, 2021, to enroll in the program.

One of the most significant changes is that anyone who received Unemployment benefits during 2021 is eligible for free private insurance if they are still unable to qualify for other insurance options.

Even with the enhanced benefits, there is growing concern that many are going without insurance because they are unaware of these changes. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, “The COVID relief bill passed in early March 2021 provided additional financial assistance to people who buy their own health insurance. The vast majority of those who are eligible for this financial assistance are either unsure whether the COVID-19 relief package included this financial assistance (82%) or say it did not happen (9%), while about one in ten (9%) are aware of this increased financial assistance. Additionally, only a small minority of those potentially eligible for additional financial help or coverage report going online to see if they qualify for a different or cheaper health insurance plan.”

More information is available by calling (304) 356-5834 or visiting www.acanavigator.com

