WV New Jobs Coalition Updates

By Carey Jo Grace

Visioning Project

  • What’s your vision for WV? 
  • What would make your community a better place to live?
  • What is needed to make it happen?

These are the questions the WV New Jobs Coalition is asking folks across the state. We want to know what issues and goals are important to you – parents, young people, coal miners, teachers, advocates, service providers, everyday folks. We want our elected officials to make decisions based on what their constituents actually need, not what policy wonks cook up, or campaign donors’ pet projects. Decisions like how to spend COVID relief funds, tackle broadband availability, support entrepreneurs, or other pressing issues in your community. 

The key to successful long-term change is a road map that guides our steps today so we end up where we want to be. We’re going to use the next year to think long-term, and we want your help. 

Your community center, congregation, school, union, city council, neighborhood association, club, or other group can host a visioning meeting – we’ll help you plan and run the meeting. We even have mini-grants of up to $2,000 for meals, advertising, incentives and stipends!

If you’re interested, send us a message at Contact – WV New Jobs Coalition.


For folks who want to get even more deeply involved in the visioning process, WVNJC is hiring

The Assistant Project Coordinator will collaborate with the WVNJC team to plan and implement the visioning project and needs to have solid experience in grassroots organizing – engaging volunteers, supporting leadership development and building strong partnerships that grow and deploy power to change policies, structures and culture.

The Southern WV and Regional Organizing Fellowships provide stipends for people to lead this work in their own communities – building relationships, helping others to plan and host meetings.  We’re looking for folks with strong ties and relationships in their community and the ability to work constructively with people from a wide range of backgrounds and political beliefs.

To apply or find out more, click on the job title you’re interested in and follow the instructions.

We’re hosting 9th Street Live

Join us at Huntington’s weekly summer concert series on Friday, Aug. 12 at 7pm, hosted outside along the downtown 9th St. Plaza between Pullman Square and 4th Ave. Great live music with the Heavy Hitters and family friendly fun!