WV Rivers Coalition Conversation on Headwaters

Please join the gathering at Elkins Town Square (at the Depot). It’s a free event and no registration is needed. There will be live music, light refreshments, and information regarding the importance of Mon Forest headwaters and the work WV Rivers is doing in the Mon Forest. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and get more information about the Mon Forest headwaters – and share their ideas and concerns.

WV Rivers previously hosted a virtual “Conversation on Headwaters” on March 23. If you missed the presentation, or want to review it, here are the recording and the slides presented. 

The Mon Forest is the crown jewel of West Virginia public lands. Major rivers in West Virginia start out in the Allegheny Highlands in the Mon Forest – 8 Rivers in Pocahontas County alone. Mon Forest headwaters are the ultimate source of clean drinking water in the Chesapeake and Ohio watersheds and provide habitat and wildlife to support all kinds of outdoor recreation.  

Folks all over the state can now give opinions for providing permanent safeguards to our Mon Forest Headwaters and what concerns you may have about new policies.

Whether you can attend the event in Elkins or not – please fill out this survey!