Capital Eye Vol. 18 No. 3: Another Week of Awfulness—But We Can Fight Back!

As of Tuesday, legislators have proposed more than 1,500 bills to enact new laws in our state. Please take some time to contact your lawmakers to let them know your opinions. They work for us, we pay their salaries, and we should have a say in their decisions and actions! The fight isn’t just in Charleston. Join us as we push to protect vital services at both the state and federal levels and stop the harmful tax breaks for the rich. 

In This Issue: 

Speaking of resources, remember, Citizen Action depends on YOU!

You are the Action in Citizen Action! Thank you for being an active citizen and sharing your thoughts, expertise and solutions to problems and challenges facing our state. One other way you can be active is with a supporting membership to WV Citizen Action. 

Thanks, again, for your support. Together, we can make our voices heard and fight for a future that works for everyone.

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