Citizens to Hold Cease and Desist Action at Rep. Shelley Moore Capito’s Office

Contact: Gary Zuckett, WVCAG Executive Director
(304) 346-5891 (office) 304-437-3701 cell

Citizens to Hold Cease and Desist Action at Rep. Shelley Moore Capito’s Office

Charleston, WV – West Virginia Citizen Action Group and other labor and social justice organizations will be issuing a cease and desist order to Rep Shelley Capito’s office asking her to stop going along with her party’s extreme politics that’s destroying the American dream.

Citizens will deliver a “cease & desist” order demanding that U.S. Representative Shelley Moore Capito immediately stop derailing the government, wrecking the economy and destroying the livelihoods of West Virginia’s working families. In place of supporting more tax loopholes for big corporations that ship our job overseas, she should protect vital services for our families, like health care, education and food assistance.

Visuals will include a large, oversized “Cease and Desist” order delivered to Capito’s office, home-made honk & wave signs and a large inflatable “Fat Cat”

We want Rep. Shelley Capito to:

• Stop tax loopholes for corporations that ship jobs overseas.

• Quit trying to take away health care that West Virginians need.

• Do her job! — keep the government running and funded!

What: Protest of Capito support for TeaParty Shutdown politics

When: Tuesday October 15th @ 5:30 PM

Where: Rep Capito’s office @ 4815 MacCorkle Ave SE in Charleston

Who: WV Citizen Action, AFL-CIO; CWA; AFSCME; and other community groups

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