Climate Marches TOMORROW, a Rally to Protect WV’s Budget Next Thursday

Happy Friday! We want to remind you that tomorrow, April 29th, The People’s Climate March and its sister marches all across the country are happening! We have two rally and march events planned for our area, and for our friends in the eastern panhandle, the main event is just a couple hours away.

And next Thursday, May 4th, we will rally inside the Capitol for a budget that protects West Virginia’s families from drastic budget cuts and tax increases on those of us least able to afford it.

Read on for more on how you can participate, take action, and make your voices heard!

March for People and Planet: The 2017 WV Climate March and Rally

Tomorrow, April 29th, a coalition of local and national organizations are sponsoring the 2017 West Virginia Climate March and Rally, a sister march of the 2017 People’s Climate March being held in Washington, DC the same day.

We will gather at the corner of Elizabeth and Lee Streets, near the Kanawha County Board of Education, beginning at 1:30PM, from which we will march to the north side of the grounds of the West Virginia State Capitol where a rally will be held.

You’ll hear several speakers call for action on climate change and promote a vision of a future that inspires us and gives us hope! There will be music, speakers, food vendors, a miniature car show of electric cars, art activities available for children, and an all-around good time with fellow West Virginians engaged in building a new energy and economic future that makes sense for working people and our planet.

Logistics and March Route

We should begin to gather at 1:30PM and unfurl a banner displaying 22,000 years of climate data which demonstrate the dramatic change caused by recent human activity. At about 2:15PM organizers will instruct and gather the crowd, then we begin moving along the route at 2:30PM, including a group carrying the climate data banner.

The route will take us down a closed off Elizabeth Street to Kanawha Boulevard where the lane furthest from the river will be cordoned off. The group will continue down the Boulevard to the Capitol grounds where we will turn off from the Boulevard and proceed along a pathway between the Governor’s Executive Mansion and the Capitol building itself, heading towards the rally on the north side of the complex.

A stage will be set up at the opposite end of the courtyard from the rear steps of the Capitol building, tables for exhibitors and activities will be arranged near the Liberty Bell replica, and electric cars will be parked for public display at the foot of the steps of the Capitol building, making for a dramatic visual statement of the possibilities for the future of West Virginia’s economy and energy.

The West Virginia Climate March and Rally will include:

  • A Miniature car show of electric cars courtesy of local owners
  • Art activities supplied for children and the young at heart
  • As many as a dozen speakers from our diverse coalition of supporters, from the faith community, to businesses, activists, and more.
  • Tabling by sponsoring and partner organizations, including opportunities to contact lawmakers on specific legislation and policy
  • Food vendors including a hot dog cart and Little India’s food truck. Vegetarian options will be available. Free water will also be provided and attendees are encouraged to bring reusable water containers/bottles.

Along with sister marches across the country and around the world, participants will make their collective voices heard. Organizers and speakers will promote a positive vision and propose action to reinvest in a new domestic industrial base and new technologies. By providing a stable income and quality jobs, health care, and education through massive investments in infrastructure systems from water, transportation, and solid waste to the electrical grid and safe, green building and increasing energy efficiency that will also create millions of jobs across the country and right here in the Mountain State.

Make sure to RSVP on Facebook!

Huntington Peoples Climate Rally and March


If you can’t make it to Charleston, or you’d just like to reduce your carbon footprint a little bit, perhaps you should join our friends at the Huntington Climate Rally and March.

In solidarity with people gathering in DC for the main People’s Climate March, we will hold a sister rally and march in Huntington, WV on this date. We have a planning team with representatives from many allied organizations working together to plan this event.

We’ll have family friendly activities, speakers, and music, as well as information concerning both local, regional, national, and global climate issues. We invite all to come out to Heritage Station and join in the march around the downtown area. Come celebrate your love for Huntington, the Ohio River and the Earth!

Organizers of this event include:
OVEC (Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition)
Organizing for Action (OFA)
WV Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL)
Marshall University Native American Student Organization (NASO)

Speakers for the event include:
Bob McCollister, certified by the Climate Change Project in climate change presentations; NASO’s Genenahgehneh Lee and other speakers; a representative from Keep Wayne Wild, speaking about group’s frontline effort to protect the Wayne National Forest from unconventional oil and gas well-pad installations; OVEC, OFA, CCL and other participating group leaders speaking briefly on local issues associated with climate change.

RSVP On Facebook

Music begins at 10:45 am
Rally and march begin at 11:15 am

210 11th St, Huntington, WV 25701-1516, United States

People’s Climate March in Washington, DC

Tens of thousands have already signed up to attend the People’s Climate March on April 29 in Washington, D.C. as we stand together to fight for our planet and our people.

Will you be there?

Here are the details:

What: People’s Climate March

When: April 29, 2017

Where: Washington, D.C. and around the country.  

RSVP now: Let us know you’re in so you don’t miss important updates.

President Trump is already following through on his outrageous campaign threats to roll back not only environmental safeguards, but also restrict the rights of people of color, immigrants, working people, Muslims, women, and the LGBTQ community.

Together we can stand up for what is right. Together we can triumph.

Let Trump know you won’t back down from a fight. RSVP right now to get important resistance updates.

We will come together in a massive march on Washington to show Trump and his cabinet that we mean business. The same government and corporate interests that work to restrict rights and threaten the safety and well-being of Muslims, immigrants, working people, people of color, women, and the LGBTQ community simultaneously back the fossil fuel projects that destroy our planet and pollute our communities.

Our government should be protecting the people and the planet from greedy corporations, not helping them make money at the expense of the people. Right now, the person running U.S. foreign policy is the former Exxon CEO. The fate of our planet shouldn’t be in the hands of an oil company executive. We need to show that we will not stand for this kind of government. We have a right to clean air, water, and a stable climate.

It takes everyone to change everything. RSVP to let us know you’re coming to the main march in Washington on April 29 or to a local event near you.

Rally for “The People’s Budget” May 4th


The Protect WV Campaign and Our Children, Our Future are fighting for a state budget that does 3 things:

1.  Protects our schools, jobs, roads, seniors, and medicine.
2.  Everyone Pays Their Fair Share
3.  Doesn’t kick the can down the road.
74% of West Virginians agree with us, and it is our job to make sure that the voters are heard. We oppose any plan that balances the budget by hurting children, seniors, and infrastructure. We oppose any plan that shifts tax burdens even more to working families. We oppose any plan that will put us in the same place in 2 or 3 years.
At 9am, we will review what’s in the budget proposal and give everyone the facts, so you can then be ready for meetings with your lawmakers later in the day.

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Yours for Action,