Graphic with a yellow background and bloe and white text reading: "Celebrate & Advocate! Medicare and medicaid's birthday July 30th at 10am

WV CAG to Celebrate Medicare and Medicaid’s 59th Birthday

WV Citizen Action Group logo 2024






Jul 29, 2024

Contact: Mindy Salango, Healthcare Organizer 304-276-7394


WV Citizen Action Group to Hold Virtual Press Conference to Celebrate Medicare and Medicaid’s 59th Anniversary

Charleston, WV– Tuesday, July 30th 2024 at 10:00 a.m. WV Citizen Action Group will host a virtual press conference via Zoom to celebrate the 59th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid.

According to, “On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law legislation that established the Medicare and Medicaid programs. For 59 years, these programs have been protecting the health and well-being of millions of American families, saving lives, and improving the economic security of our nation.

Though Medicare and Medicaid started as basic insurance programs for Americans who didn’t have health insurance, they’ve changed over the years to provide more and more Americans with access to the quality and affordable health care they need.”

“Medicare and Medicaid are essential programs for our nation and for West Virginians. We must protect the intent and spirit of these programs by not allowing private insurance companies to fleece individuals of their money and deny them care while reporting billions of dollars in profit each quarter” states Mindy Salango, Healthcare Organizer for West Virginia Citizen Action Group.

Press and the public may join the press conference by registering with the following link:

Panelists include:

  • Dr. Dan Doyle, Physicians for a National Health Program – WV Chapter
  • Barbara Fleischauer, Former WV Delegate
  • Rhonda Rogombe, Health Policy Analyst, WV Center on Budget & Policy
  • Gary Zuckett, Executive Director, WV Citizen Action

WV Citizen Action Group is a member of People’s Action Care Over Cost campaign that organizes people across the country to appeal and overturn insurance claim denials from private health insurers as well as privatized Medicare insurers  to get people the care they need.




Read more about how WV CAG supports healthcare in our work here.