“No Repeal Without Replace” Rallies in Charleston, Morgantown, & Martinsburg

Republicans are trying to rush legislation through Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and make severe cuts to Medicare and Medicaid…before Trump is sworn in, handing him a bill to sign on his first day in office. This legislation would endanger health care for tens of millions of Americans. It must be stopped.
We have a path to victory. The GOP is using special Senate rules to dodge a Democratic filibuster, but if we can convince enough senators to oppose the repeal, we’ll win this round. Several Republicans are already having second thoughts.

According to the WV Center on Budget and Policy, 184,000+ West Virginians – enough to fill nearly 4 WVU football stadiums! – stand to lose access to affordable, quality healthcare if the ACA is repealed and not replaced. Senator Capito needs to hear from us.

That’s why, on Tuesday, December 20th, WV Citizen Action Group is joining MoveOn.org, West Virginians for Affordable Health Care, and allies across the state and country to greet Republican senators with the message: Don’t take away our health care!
Join us in Charleston outside of Senator Capito’s office from 12-12:30 pm next Tuesday to help us send a clear message to the Senator – “No Repeal Without Replace”! Bring signs, and let us know if you have a personal story to share by emailing us at info@wvcag.org. And don’t forget to RSVP and invite your friends!

We’ll be gathering outside of Senator Capito’s offices in Morgantown and Martinsburg, as well, to tell the Senator and the media why the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and Medicare are important to us and our families. Republicans must not repeal without replacing!