PRESS RELEASE: WV Groups Comment on Negative Impacts of WV VS EPA – video link included

July 14th

CONTACT and QUOTES: Gary Zuckett, WV Citizen Action, garyz at, 304-437-3701 | Morgan King, WV Rivers Coalition, mking at, 304-590-0014 

MORE INFO: Morgan King at mking at or 304-590-0014


WV Groups Comment on Negative Impacts of WV VS EPA

Video of virtual press statement linked below

Charleston, WV: Today at 1pm, the WV Climate Alliance, and speakers from several member organizations, hosted a virtual press conference/webinar to discuss the real impacts of the WV vs EPA ruling by the United States Supreme Court. 

To view a recording of the press conference, 

At a time when severe weather events are a weekly occurrence all across the nation and here in West Virginia, and science is telling us that Climate Change is now upon us, several groups spoke out to say that Attorney General Morrisey does not speak for us. They also called on Congress to mitigate the damage done by WV vs EPA and to pass a Reconciliation package which addresses the need for bold action on Climate. Senator Manchin was identified as a critical vote that can move Climate forward or keep us mired in the past. The video presentations are 20 minutes total with about 10 minutes of Q&A.

Speakers included: 

  • Lucia Valentine, Outreach Coordinator, WV Environmental Council
  • Kristen Olsen, Community member
  • Lakiesha Lloyd, Climate Justice Organizer, Common Defense
  • Gary Zuckett, Executive Director, WV Citizen Action Group
  • Rev. Jeff Allen, Executive Director, West Virginia Council of Churches

Morgan King, Climate Campaign Coordinator of WV Rivers Coalition, moderated the press conference, and the end of the conference was open to the press for questions.


FOUNDED in 2020, the WEST VIRGINIA CLIMATE ALLIANCE is a broad-based coalition of almost 20 environmental organizations, faith-based, civil rights and civic organizations, and other groups with a focus on climate change. Members of the Alliance work together to provide science-based education on climate change to West Virginia citizens and policymakers. 

