
Irresponsible budget cuts that slash basic funding for education, public safety, and roads put our state at risk and hurt our families. It is up to us to protect WV by holding lawmakers accountable and demanding real budget solutions to preserve our heritage, safeguard our communities, and secure the state’s future.

That is why we invite you to become part of Protect WV, a coalition of citizens and organizations who oppose further harmful budget cuts and who want to connect WV values to the state’s budget priorities.

According to a recent statewide poll, voters believe the state’s budget shortfall is a very serious problem and 70 percent of West Virginians are willing to pay higher taxes to maintain funding for WV public schools, safety, and our roads and bridges.
WV’s budget deficit is more than $400 million. Not acting means watching 10,000 students lose the PROMISE scholarship; asking our K-12 students to learn in overcrowded classrooms and allowing thousands of teachers and support staff be laid off; and limiting services vital to senior citizens.
In the face of massive budget shortfalls and continued cuts, now is not the time to be silent. Join us in protecting the services we know our citizens value and use daily.

Ways to get involved with Protect WV campaign: