Support Charleston USPS Jobs

       The US Postal Service is one of the largest employers in the state. The USPS recently held a public meeting about the future of the South Charleston processing facility. Currently, 90% of West Virginia’s mail is being processed at the Southridge location, according to Tim Holstein, VP of the American Postal Workers Union Local 133. Postal workers and community members are sounding the alarm about the potential loss of jobs, as well as delayed mail and late deliveries to postal customers if local mail that is processed at the South Charleston facility is trucked to Pittsburgh for cancellation and sorting. West Virginia had 7-8 processing plants in 2006 – soon we’ll have none. We all need to speak up. (More pertinent articles on the Postal Service’s “Delivering for America” plan here and here.) 

       The Postal Service is accepting comments on the Charleston Processing and Distribution Center proposal through February 29th.

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