Take action: Protect healthcare for 178,394 working West Virginians

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is not a perfect law.  But there are over one hundred thousand workers in West Virginia who finally have healthcare because of it.  Sign the petition today to protect the ACA.
President-Elect Donald Trump has stated his intent to repeal the ACA “on Day 1.” If Trump repeals the ACA, 178,394 working West Virginians will be without healthcare, and our politicians, hospitals, and doctors will be left to pick up the pieces.
We must protect the workers, families, and small businesses of West Virginia that would be hurt by the repeal of the ACA. Sign the petition today asking Trump to improve, rather than scrap, the ACA.

Additionally, if you live in the Charleston-area, check out this event about the ACA happening tomorrow:

Registration is required today.