Ten Thousand in WV set to Lose Unemployment before Christmas

CONTACT: Gary Zuckett 346-5891


Ten Thousand in WV set to Lose Unemployment before Christmas

Charleston, WV – The election is over but the problems remain. Our economy isn’t creating enough jobs, millions of people are about to lose unemployment benefits and people are still fearful of what the future will bring. Congress needs to get back to work this month to address the economic problems plaguing our nation, representatives from WV Citizen Action Group said today.

“If the jury ever was out on whether Americans favor a jobs agenda in Washington, D.C., the verdict is now returned,”said Gary Zuckett, Executive Director. “Voters turned out Tuesday in high numbers to demand that the economy be fixed. It starts with a jobs agenda – extending unemployment benefits, ending tax cuts for millionaires and protecting key domestic programs that serve our families.”

Zuckett said Citizen Action, its coalition partners and allies will immediately step up efforts to convince the current Congress to extend unemployment benefits set to expire in December, and maintain the Bush-era tax cuts for working families while ending them for millionaires.

The nonpartisan National Employment Law Project (NELP) estimates that two million Americans – including more than 10,000 people in West Virginia – will lose unemployment benefits by early December if no extension is forthcoming.

“People all over the country are hurting, and now our leaders need to get back to work on the real issues people are facing,” Zuckett said. “All around this country, hardworking people are looking for jobs and families are trying to keep a roof over their head, put food on the table, and send their kids to college. The election is over. Voters have rendered their verdict on the economy. Congress needs to get back to work.”