WV Poor People’s Campaign Demands Justice for West Virginians Who Died in Custody

From our friends at the WV Poor People’s Campaign

Last week, the West Virginia Poor People’s Campaign held a virtual press conference with families whose loved ones died in the Southern Regional Jail in Beckley County. 

They are also circulating a petition to demand accountability and justice, which includes launching an independent, thorough investigation into the state of our criminal justice system, starting with the Southern Regional Jail. You can sign the petition here

There are 710,000 poor and low-income people living in West Virginia and there are more than 7,000 people incarcerated in West Virginia.

In the last year, 13 people have died in the Southern Regional Jail in Raleigh County; among them, Quantez (Quan) Burks. March 1st will mark one year since Quan’s death, and his mother and family still have the same question, “why did he die?” To date, the State of West Virginia still hasn’t officially told the family why Quan died while in custody.

The West Virginia Poor People’s Campaign is joining Ms. Kim Burks to honor the life of her son, Quantez, and all of the lives taken senselessly at the Southern Regional Jail on Saturday, March 4th at 11am. Together we will pray and then march for his memory and for justice.

RSVP to Join us in Beckley on March 4th

SAVE THE DATE: The Poor People’s Campaign is also planning a rally in Charleston at the Capitol along with partner groups for March 10th at 11am on the front steps of the WV State Capitol! Governor Justice and Senator Manchin must hear from the people about this crisis facing our state!