WVCBP: Post-session ‘Where are we now’ in terms of funding our future and supporting families?

Message from Kelly Allen, Executive Director of WV Center on Budget and Policy


Hey everybody!

Thanks for all your help beating back tax cuts for the wealthy that would have decimated state funding for programs during the recently wrapped legislative session. You may also have seen that Governor Justice line-item vetoed $265 million of surplus set-aside for future income tax cuts. But we also saw a flat budget passed- one that, adjusted for inflation, is nearly $700 million less than the 2013 budget at the same time we have ‘record surpluses’. What’s up with the budget and all these surpluses? Why aren’t we using these surplus funds to invest in programs that help families and grow our economy? Let’s talk about it! Join us at noon on Wednesday, April 6 for a session debrief, an analysis of what’s up with the budget, and how we can use interims meetings over the rest of this year to make the case for investments in programs we care about.

Register here and share this email with anyone who might be interested in attending: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrfuuqrT8iGNxp3KP96tDO_XHkWn_sFv3e


Kelly Allen

Executive Director

WV Center on Budget and Policy