PRESS RELEASE: WV Citizen Action Statement on Barrett Vote

Senator Capito’s Vote to Confirm Judge Barrett Puts Health Care, Reproductive Freedom At Risk


Charleston, WV –  Following Senator Capito’s vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, WV Citizen Action Group’s Executive Director, Gary Zuckett, released the following statement:

“Senator Capito’s vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court is a vote to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which for the past decade has given life-saving coverage to more than 178,000 West Virginians, and provided protections for the over 800,0000 West Virginians living with pre-existing conditions; it’s a vote to take away people’s access to reproductive care, further endangering health and economic security for millions who are facing uncertain decisions about the future. 

“Senator Capito and the rest of her Republican allies in the Senate along with President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have spent the last month packing the court with another anti-ACA Supreme Court nominee while thousands suffer at the hands of a deadly virus, go without jobs and income, and even lose their businesses. Despite over 66,000 WV workers losing their jobs this year, increasing numbers of uninsured, growing hunger and struggles to afford basics like housing, McConnell has refused to pass a relief package that would prevent further job loss and expand support for workers and families. 

“As a result of Republican elected leaders putting their politics over our priorities, our state is facing a budget shortfall of 500 million dollars that will put even more jobs, services and lives at risk while the rich keep getting richer. Billionaires have accrued over $931 billion more in wealth between mid-March and mid-October, the first six months of COVID. Repealing the ACA at the Supreme Court this November will give more tax breaks to the rich and drug corporations while taking healthcare from the rest of us. Millionaires would get an average tax break of $198,000 annually from ACA repeal and drug corporations, already the most profitable companies in America, would receive a $2.8 billion tax break annually if the ACA is overturned. It’s clear who President Trump and Senator Captio are prioritizing, and it’s not us.” 


Since 1974, West Virginia Citizen Action Group (WV CAG) has advocated for better public policy, rights of individuals, a cleaner environment, and a stronger democratic process.