The WV New Jobs Coalition has been busy this year. Our Jammin’ For Jobs events in April reached thousands with our message: West Virginia families need good paying Union Jobs, Green Jobs, Infrastructure, and Care. With our multi-destination WV Summer Jam Tour, our message expanded to include democracy and empowering voting rights, reaching thousands more. Since mid-August, the WV New Jobs Coalition and our many partners, led by the WV Working Families Party, have been hosting weekly rallies outside of Senator Capito’s offices at locations across the state. Our voices have been raised to reach our Senators: it’s critical that we Build Back Better NOW, to help struggling WV families THRIVE.
From June through September we have been calling thousands of WV voters to connect with them on what building back better would mean for them and their family. We have transferred over 2,200 West Virginians directly to Senator Manchin’s office to tell him that we deserve a bold investment in the people and land of WV.
Building a brighter future for West Virginia should not be a partisan issue, and we hope to inspire both our senators to support the Build Back Better Act. Here’s why.
- Jobs, children and health care: Build Back Better creates good-paying health care jobs, by lowering health care costs, strengthening the Affordable Care Act, expanding Medicaid and improving the benefits of Medicare. Doing so brings us closer to reaching universal health coverage in America, which is a moral, health and economic imperative.
- Jobs, children and family care: Build Back Better For Women is transformative for families, with the Child Tax Credit, child care, home health care, paid family and medical leave, universal pre-K, workforce development and more. We must get “children learning, parents earning” in a way that is safe and that assures women that they can follow a career path, as they meet the needs of their families.
- Jobs, children and climate: the health of children and creation of jobs are central to addressing the climate crisis, to lowering emissions and to advancing the clean energy economy of the future, while advancing the priority of environmental justice, educating a workforce for the future and advancing housing initiatives that are resilient and green. In terms of national security, experts including military, diplomatic and academic leaders tell us that the climate crisis is a security issue, as changes in climate cause migration and increased competition for habitat and resources. They also stress that the strength of America’s economy is a measure of America’s global strength.
Right here in West Virginia, 68% of our voters support the Build Back Better plan. This includes:
- 86% support investing in long-term care
- 82% support expanding Medicare coverage
- 73% support child care investments
- 70% support extending tax cuts for families
- 69% support paid family and medical leave
- 67% support universal pre-k
- 65% support extending ACA subsidies
- And 60% support clean energy investments
West Virginians also support how the Build Back Better Act would be paid for, including making Big Corporations pay their #FairShare of taxes:
- 74% support limiting deductions for wealthy business owners (not those struggling to keep the doors open)
- 72% support higher income taxes for the wealthy
- 69% support increased capital gains taxes for the wealthy
- 68% support funding better IRS enforcement
- And 65% support increased corporate tax rates
Join us and take action: text Manchin to 30403, and Click Here to email, tweet and call to tell Senator Manchin to support Build Back Better for WV families.
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