Freedom To Vote – Rally and Relay to DC

October is #FreedomToVoteAct month, and West Virginia is taking action with states across the nation as we host a series of events in-state, that lead up to a big DC Rally on the 23rd.

Freedom to Vote Rally: Bring It Home, Joe! – 10/16 in Fairmont, WV

On October 16th at 11:00 am, WV-CAG will join a coalition of advocate groups including UN-PAC, Represent US, United Mine Workers of America, WV AFL-CIO, and the WV Working Families Party to rally in Sen. Manchin’s hometown of Fairmont at East Marion Park.

Join these advocates and other concerned citizens to say loud and clear: Bring it home, Joe!  West Virginia needs you to get this done. Joe Manchin himself has said “inaction is not an option.” We can’t let process stand in the way. There is majority support in the Senate for the Freedom to Vote Act and they need to do whatever it takes to pass it. Visit to RSVP. For more information, email


Freedom to Vote Relay – 10/20 thru 23rd

On October 20th at 9:00 am, a collaborative collection of WV groups and organizations, including WV Working Families Party, WV Citizen Action Group, WV for Democracy, WV Citizens for Clean Elections, RiseUp and more will caravan from Charleston to Charles Town to launch the Declaration for American Democracy’s Freedom to Vote Relay ( 

We will be mobilizing with the DFAD coalition in an effort to protect our freedom to vote, ensure fair representation, and get dark money out of politics. 

The caravan will begin at the State Capitol in Charleston and make courthouse stops in Fairmont and Morgantown before ending the day in a kickoff celebration in Charles Town at 5:30 pm.  For more information or to join the caravan contact To register, visit the mobilize links below.

  1. Freedom to Vote Caravan: From Charleston to Charles Town – Oct. 20th
  2. Freedom to Vote Relay Kick Off: Charles Town WV – Oct. 20th
  3. Freedom to Vote Relay Send Off: Harpers Ferry WV – Oct. 21st
  4. Freedom to Vote Relay – Rally at the Finish Line! – Oct. 23rd in DC

#FreedomToVoteAct & #FreedomToVoteRelay


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