Posts by CAG


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Action Alert CAG March 4, 2024
Keep Vulnerable Children in School – OPPOSE SB 614
While teachers undoubtedly need more support and tools to address problematic student behavior, the primary response in SB 614 is removing, excluding, and isolating children who are generally between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Newsletter article CAG March 3, 2024
Tell Your Senators: No Arming Teachers!
Schools should be safer; and there is plenty of research that shows how to make that happen, not arming teachers! More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Newsletter article CAG March 3, 2024
SORO Carbon Credit Alert
Some WV lawmakers are trying to pass legislation severely restricting West Virginians’ ability to manage their timber. SB 618 would regulate terms, require new bureaucratic filings, impose new taxes, and ultimately discourage participation in carbon offset agreements. More
Issues: EconomyEnergyEnvironment
Newsletter article CAG March 3, 2024
Some Good News from the Capitol
In this brutal legislative session, victory doesn’t quite look the way it has in years past. Reducing the harm of any given bill through the committee and amendment process is a win. Read the good news, plus ways to challenge what the legislature is trying to do to laid off workers, elementary school students, and seniors on SNAP. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyFamilies
Newsletter article CAG March 3, 2024
Oppose HB 5159: Elimination of Work Permits Detrimental to Low-Income Youth
HB 5159 would now eliminate work permits for 14 and 15 year old's. It was advanced by the Senate Workforce Committee on February 21st, 2024. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Newsletter article CAG March 3, 2024
Support HB 5647, Support Medicaid, Support Healthy WV
Legislators must put the health of WV first and vote YES on House Bill 5647, the bill that will fully fund Medicaid in the future. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicaid
Newsletter article CAG March 3, 2024
Healthcare for All – Week 8
Besides the vital insurance coverage it provides to the people of the state, Medicaid is vital to West Virginia’s hospitals and providers. Our health care infrastructure is more heavily dependent on Medicaid than most other states. More
Issues: FamiliesHealthcare
Newsletter article CAG March 3, 2024
‘Crossover Day’ is History – One Week to Go
Our job moving forward is to try to get the few good bills still in play over the finish line and make as many bumps in the road as possible for those we want to die. This is where you, our citizen activists, can really help! More
Issues: Budget Priorities
Newsletter article CAG March 3, 2024
WV Environmental Council Weekly Roundup
This is their weekly roundup as we head into the final week of the session. Learn which bills WVEC is working to defeat, why they’re bad, and how you can help. More
Issues: Environment
Newsletter CAG March 3, 2024
Capital Eye: Vol. 17 No. 7
Of the nearly 2,600 bills introduced, only those which have passed either the House or the Senate are still in play. More
Action Alert CAG March 1, 2024
Support HB 5647, Support Medicaid, Support Healthy WV
It also supports our health care infrastructure, with providers, clinics and hospitals dependent on the program to stay in operation. More
Action Alert CAG February 26, 2024
Tell Governor Justice to Veto SB 841
Tell Governor Justice to stand with workers, reject proposed cuts to unemployment compensation and veto SB 841.  More
Issues: JobsUnemployment benefitsWorkers
Action Alert CAG February 26, 2024
Support Transgender Youth – Oppose HB 5297
Tell your delegates to oppose HB 5297 and protect gender-affirming care for our vulnerable young people. More
Issues: Healthcare
Action Alert CAG February 26, 2024
Support Charleston USPS Jobs
Postal workers and community members are sounding the alarm about the potential loss of jobs, as well as delayed mail and late deliveries to postal customers if local mail that is processed at the Charleston Processing and Distribution Center is trucked to Pittsburgh for cancellation and sorting. More
Issues: Economy
Newsletter article CAG February 22, 2024
HCFA Week 7 – Dispelling The Big Myth About Medicaid
There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about Medicaid. Fact: We all know someone who relies on these services. More
Newsletter article CAG February 22, 2024
2024 Legislative Session Resources
Remember to follow these other great resources for legislative updates and actions! More
Newsletter CAG February 22, 2024
Capital Eye: Vol. 17 No. 6
This session has seen a slew of bad ideas. Everything from arming teachers in the classroom, to allowing child labor, & jailing librarians. More
Newsletter article CAG February 22, 2024
Climate Eye – Week 7
Outside the Legislature        The DEP held a virtual hearing last night on the Adams Fork Energy Project, which primarily consists of building an ammonia production facility near Wharncliffe in Mingo County. This attempted greenwashing program claims it will create “blue” ammonia because they will utilize capture technology to catch and store carbon […] More
Newsletter article CAG February 22, 2024
Better at Being Bad
This session has seen a plethora of bad ideas moving forward. Everything from arming teachers in the classroom, to allowing child labor. More
Action Alert CAG February 15, 2024
West Virginians Deserve To Be Paid Fairly For The Energy They Produce
Call your Delegate and tell them to support House Bill 5422 for full retail credit net metering. Customizable script included here! More
Issues: EconomyEnergyFamiliesWorkers
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