Posts by CAG


825 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Action Alert CAG September 2, 2016
Enterprise: Leave ALEC
Tell Enterprise to stop letting the American Legislative Exchange Council – better known as ALEC – take the wheel! Enterprise prides itself on doing good – so why do they support ALEC? ALEC’s harmful policies stand in conflict with the values of Enterprise and its customers. ALEC’s secretive, undemocratic bill writing process goes against all of our nation’s ideals. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG September 2, 2016
Fight the TPP!
President Obama recently gave notice to Congress that he will introduce Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) implementing legislation to ratify the TPP this fall, though it is still uncertain if he can pull together the votes he needs. We must give notice to Congress that we aren't going to let that happen. More
Issues: DemocracyEconomyWorkers
Action Alert CAG August 23, 2016
Continuing the political revolution!
Senator Sanders may have not won the nomination, but that doesn't mean the political "revolution" can't continue! Join us and other activists from across the state for a conference call on August 30th to discuss some ways you can organize to affect change this November and beyond. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG July 29, 2016
Take Back Our Democracy
This is our chance to be heard. Tell Senator Manchin we need his support for the We the People package and the Fair Elections Now Act. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG June 22, 2016
Stop Payday Predators
The federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently released proposed rules that, if strengthened, could rein in the worst abuses of payday and car-title lending. Thankfully West Virginia protects its citizens against abusive payday loans, but the CFPB still needs to hear from you. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFamilies
Action Alert CAG May 23, 2016
Restore the Voting Rights Act
Senator Manchin is one of only two Democrats in the Senate who has not co-sponsored the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA). We must take action and ask the Senator to support this important legislation now! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Press Release CAG May 11, 2016
Special Interests Win in Supreme Court Takeover
Wealthy special interests groups pulled off another victory in a West Virginia Supreme Court race. After spending more than $2 million in support of Beth Walker’s candidacy, these anonymous groups have duplicated the feat Don Blankenship pulled off 12 years ago. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG May 9, 2016
Don’t forget to vote…twice!
Don't forget we want you to vote TWICE! Yes, you read that right; we want you to vote twice. First, vote for the issues you care about on the Our Children, Our Future Policy Platform Ballot; the deadline is tomorrow! After you vote for the issues, vote for your elected officials tomorrow, May 10th in West Virginia's primary election! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG April 29, 2016
James A. Haught: Liberals are the future
In the chaotic presidential campaign, the remarkable popularity of Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders spotlights a large, not-always-recognized vein of liberal political sympathy in America. Suddenly, the L-word is popular again -- not an embarrassment to be avoided. That’s great, I think, because progressives have been the driving force behind most social improvements in western civilization. More
Action Alert CAG April 28, 2016
It’s time to vote…twice!
We want you to vote TWICE! Yes, you read that right; we want you to vote twice. First, vote for the issues you care about on the Our Children, Our Future Policy Platform Ballot. After you vote for the issues, vote for your elected officials! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG April 22, 2016
Judicial Public Financing: Moving Away from Corruption in the Courtroom
Our state’s judicial public financing system has given voters the ability to choose a judiciary that is truly independent because publicly financed candidates don’t have to rely on support from lawyers and special interest contributors who frequently have cases before the court. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Newsletter CAG April 7, 2016
Capital Eye: It’s all over…except for finding the money
Read our April 2016 newsletter with a wrap-up of session and a look ahead at the election! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEnergyFamilies
Action Alert CAG April 7, 2016
Capital Eye: It’s all over…except for finding the money
Saturday, March 12th was the last day of the 2016 regular legislative session. The governor is still working his way through bills passed the last week, deciding what he will sign into law or veto. Catch up on what happened the last week of session and since and see where you can still take action! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesWorkers
Action Alert CAG April 5, 2016
Join us in DC for Democracy Awakening!
We want to offer you a chance to join us in DC April 16-18 for Democracy Awakening! WV CAG is arranging a 15 passenger van to and from DC for the event, and we'd like to offer you a chance to join us. If interested, click for details and how to sign-up. Seats are limited, so hurry! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG March 31, 2016
Add your name; urge the CFPB to issue a strong payday lending rule!
West Virginia has a proud history of keeping predatory payday lenders out of our state. This spring the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFBP) will issue a rule to regulate the payday lending industry. Payday lenders are aggressively lobbying the CFPB and Congress to weaken and delay the rule. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFamilies
Action Alert CAG March 23, 2016
Ask Governor Tomblin to veto the voter ID bill ASAP
On the last day of session, the legislature passed HB 4013, a bill that would require voters to provide identification at the polls. While automatic voter registration was amended into the bill, the fact that voter ID discriminates against minorities, students, low-income individuals, and seniors still stands. Now the bill's fate lies in the hands of Governor Tomblin who can either sign it into law or veto it by March 30th. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Advocacy Letter CAG March 16, 2016
Oppose H.R. 4731, the “Refugee Program Integrity Restoration Act of 2016”
The undersigned 234 organizations strongly oppose H.R. 4731, the “Refugee Program Integrity Restoration Act of 2016.” This proposed legislation would dismantle the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, which has been a critical humanitarian and diplomacy tool for over three decades. With more than 60 million refugees and displaced people around the world, it is critically important that the U.S. demonstrates global leadership by welcoming refugees. Enacting legislation that would send the message that refugees are not welcome here is a sharp departure from our nation’s character as a beacon of freedom and our history as a country founded by refugees and immigrants. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Action Alert CAG March 8, 2016
Voter ID bill in committee TODAY; take action!
Voter fraud, and more specifically, voter impersonation, is virtually nonexistent. HB 4013 is a “solution looking for a problem.” Act now and let committee members know you don't support HB 4013, an unnecessary and restrictive voter ID law! More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG March 7, 2016
Bill Would Make It Easier to Build Drilling Waste Landfills, Hurt Local Solid Waste Authorities
SB 601 puts our local solid waste authorities at a competitive disadvantage with these “recycling” facilities. More
Issues: EconomyEnergyEnvironment
Newsletter CAG February 29, 2016
Capital Eye: Triage
Wednesday is “crossover day” when all bills must be voted out of their house of origin (Senate or House of Delegates) and pass over to the other, or be considered “dead.” Dead is in quotes because there are numerous ways for leadership to resurrect a bill after crossover, but these zombie bills are a topic for another week. Triage is the word this week – the wholesale scrapping of all bills leftover on committee dockets on "crossover day". More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyEnergyFamilies
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