#CareOverCost direct action – JOIN US to Demand insurance companies!


Everyone deserves high quality health care, WHEN they need it, without profiteering getting in the way.

JOIN US! – Demand insurance companies put CARE OVER COST,
Honor their contractual obligation, DO THEIR JOB to provide coverage, and
Stop profiteering off of our care!

On Oct. 11th at 11:30 AM, join WV Citizen Action, People’s Action, the WV Poor People’s Campaign, Rise Up WV and many others in downtown Charleston, WV as we host a demonstration and press conference  on the topic of healthcare, claim denials, and how insurance companies are using denials to pad their profits.

REGISTER so we can send you location details and coordinate: ppls.ac/cocwvact.

Insurance companies make a lot of money off of denying our claims, to the tune of $260 Billion annually. Nearly 1 in 5 claims are denied, and only about 0.2% of claims are appealed. In other words, since most people can’t figure out the complicated appeals process, it is a near guarantee that companies get to keep that money instead of paying it out for people’s health care.

Claims denials are when a health insurance corporation refuses to pay for care that your doctor prescribed and you’ve already received – sticking you with the bill, unnecessary medical debt and even bankruptcy. A prior-authorization denial is when your insurance refuses to pay for a medicine, surgery or other treatment before you even get it. So you can’t get the care you need and stay sick, stay injured, or even die as a result. These denials hit black and brown folks, rural and poor folks the hardest. Big Insurance companies have been using these denials for far too long to pad their record profits.

Join Us as we gather to peacefully and LOUDLY raise our collective voices and say

We're celebrating 50 years of
West Virginia Citizen Action!

Every dollar helps to support better public policy,
rights of individuals, a clean environment,
and a stronger democratic process.