Early Voting Starts Today – Check Out Our New App to Help Inform Your Vote

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
West Virginia
Citizen Action Group
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Today, the first day of early voting, WV Citizen Action Education Fund (WV CAEF), our sister organization, is excited to announce a new resource for helping voters identify candidates and issues they support with a new, easy to use election app called BallotReady. 

BallotReady is a non-partisan civic engagement tool that enables users to find comprehensive ballot information for their own voting precinct. The tool displays candidate bios, stances, endorsements, and relevant news all in one place. The tool also helps users to find their polling place (including early voting locations), make a plan to vote, easily save, and be reminded of the information prior to and on Election Day.

Click here to learn more about the app or go straight to the voter guide at https://citizenvote.civicengine.com/

Help spread the word. It’s easy. Click “View/Comment Online” at the top of this alert, then click the Facebook or Twitter icon on the left (computer users) or bottom of the page (mobile users). 

Early voting runs through Saturday, May 5. Election Day is Tuesday, May 8. 

When you go to the polls, remember West Virginia’s new voter ID law is now in effect and everyone must show some form of ID.  Acceptable forms of photo ID include driver’s licenses, passports, military and student IDs, and concealed carry permits. Several forms of non-photo IDs will also be accepted including Medicare and Medicaid cards, hunting and fishing licenses, bank and debit cards, utility bills, and health insurance cards. Voters who lack a valid form of ID could have a friend or poll worker vouch for them. (See the Secretary of State’s guide to the new law below for a complete list of acceptable IDs and exceptions to the voter ID requirement.)

Yours for Action,


PS: After the election, we hope you’ll join us for our annual awards dinner and fundraiser, where we’ll be honoring Paul Nyden and Cathy Kunkel.  Check out our latest newsletter for more details or click here to get your tickets online today.