Speed Updating

Event Details

  • Date:

Thursday, August 18, 2022 12:00 PM –  1:00 PM ET


Join us on Thursday, August 18th to hear a series of short presentations on the amazing work Appalachian groups are doing to build capacity and bring federal funding to Appalachia.


There’s a lot of federal funding coming our way & the amount of grants can be overwhelming. So we’ve put together this Speed Updating event to see how groups can synergize resources to streamline this process!

We’ll cross-pollinate how groups are working on building capacity in local communities to take advantage of federal funding opportunities and which issues they are prioritizing.


Participants prepare and share 2-4 minute mini-presentations with 2-3 slides covering one or more of the questions below. 

  • What resources are you creating, prioritizing and sharing? 
  • What resources are you looking for? 
  • What are highlights of your work in this arena that have been most useful/gotten the best feedback?
  • What challenges have your faced implementing your work this year?
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