Take Action: Attend the Public Hearing on the Nuclear Power Plants ban repeal! – Jan 28th, 10AM

Event Details

There will be a Public Hearing on HB 2882, relating to repealing a ban on construction of nuclear power plants, on Friday, January 28, 2022 at 10 a.m. in the House Chamber.

Wear your N95’s and come share your voice. We have had enough industries polluting our state. We don’t need to add nuclear waste to that list.

Here is a WV Gazette articles with details about the bill: https://www.wvgazettemail.com/news/legislative_session/wv-house-to-host-public-hearing-on-bill-to-lift-restrictions-on-nuclear-power-plant/article_c786ad66-4d16-5767-8858-6caad2978fd9.html

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