Intern wanted!

WV CAG Administrative & Outreach Intern
January – April 2016

Introduction:  West Virginia Citizen Action Group (WV CAG) is a non-profit that advocates for better public policy, rights of individuals, a clean environment, and a stronger democratic process.  We increase the voice of the average citizen in public affairs – speaking out in behalf of the consumer, in defense of a cleaner environment, and against governmental corruption.

Job Description:  This is a volunteer position, but WV CAG will work with students to be able to use the experience for course credit.  The position is for 15-35 hours/week from early January to early April; start and end dates, as well as hours, are negotiable based on individual’s courses, work, and/or other schedule/conflicts.  The duties of the Administrative & Outreach Intern will include:

  • Write 2 blogs during duration of term
  • Taking notes/providing feedback at public hearings at the Capitol
  • Help with communications, such as managing and/or assisting with social media accounts, editing and helping write e-blasts, and managing websites
  • Assist with mailings and printings
  • Answer phones, take messages
  • Table at events in the community and at the Capitol
  • Assist Field Director in preparing for and hosting door canvasses
  • Provide assistance to other staff members on deadline, as needed

Who we are looking for:  The ideal candidate will be someone who –

  • Is committed to social justice and social change
  • Is hard-working
  • Is flexible
  • Has the ability to work in a fast-paced environment
  • Has experience using Microsoft Excel
  • Has knowledge of social media (Facebook & Twitter, specifically) and WordPress a plus
  • Can complete hours at the WV CAG office and State Capitol in Charleston

To apply, please submit a resume, cover letter, and one-page writing sample to  Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until January 1st, 2016.

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