Tag: Civil Rights

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Action Alert CAG August 12, 2024
Project 2025: A Threat to Democracy
Project 2025 is an anti-democratic, pro-corruption, pro-big money initiative that aims to destroy the checks and balances in place that safeguard our freedoms. Join us for a special training for activists to learn about and organize against the numerous threats that the extremist Project 2025 mandate poses to our democratic processes. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG August 6, 2024
Voting Rights Now: Sign the Petition
For democracy to work for all of us, it must include all of us. No matter our color, party or zip code, we deserve an equal say in the decisions that shape our future. Tell Congress: Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, the Native American Voting Rights Act, and DC Statehood. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG July 31, 2024
West Virginians for Democracy Hosts National Day of Action Honoring Legacy of John Lewis
The West Virginians for Democracy Coalition hosted a “John Lewis National Day of Commemoration and Action” event on the four-year mark of the passing of Rep. John Lewis, joining 150 events happening in 41 states and Washington, D.C. to celebrate his extraordinary legacy. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG July 23, 2024
WV CAG Mourns Passing of Board Member Shalom Tazewell
Shalom was an amazingly effective organizer who lived her values with a passion. We were grateful for the opportunity to recognize Shalom last year for her contributions to our state and her local community in Hinton. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnvironmentHealthcare
Citizen Action Group BlogNewsletter article CAG June 28, 2024
CAG Expands the Team
Meet our new team members: Mindy Salango, Tyler Cannon, Jillian Welsh, and Cassandra Wiley! More
Issues: Civil RightsEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Citizen Action Group BlogNewsletter article   June 28, 2024
Introducing the Care Over Cost Campaign
Is your insurance company denying the medication or care that you need?  Join us in the Care Over Cost campaign! More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFamiliesHealthcare
Citizen Action Group BlogNewsletter article CAG June 28, 2024
Medicaid’s Wild Ride: We MUST Protect Medicaid!
The health and well-being of the most vulnerable populations in our state should not be held as a political bargaining chip. As always, we stand ready to fight for everyone to have access to healthcare and the services they deserve. Our fight to protect Medicaid continues.   More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFamiliesHealthcare
Citizen Action Group BlogNewsletter article Julie Archer June 28, 2024
Judicial Integrity: Ethical, Accountable Courts Are A Pillar of a Strong Democracy
In the current political climate, state courts and constitutions are playing an increasingly central role in protecting and advancing rights around reproductive freedom, gender justice, voting rights, and more. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracy
Citizen Action Group BlogNewsletter article Gary Zuckett June 28, 2024
The 2024 WV Primary: Musical Chairs Anyone?
As the dust settles from this major primary election, it's evident that we all have our work cut out for us between now and November. We all need to do everything we can to help our friends and neighbors understand our critical juncture as a state and a nation. We must get like-minded folks registered and out to the polls to help restore balance and move toward a state government that better represents us all. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyHealthcare
Action Alert CAG April 29, 2024
Early Voting Starts Wed. May 1st
With Early Voting set to begin Wednesday, May 1st, we wanted to make sure you have all the information you need to vote. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG April 22, 2024
Make Sure You’re Ready to Vote!
TOMORROW, Tuesday, April 23 is the deadline to register to vote in the 2024 WV Primary Election. Register, check, or update your registration at GoVoteWV.com, then make a plan to vote. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Newsletter article CAG March 18, 2024
Bad Bills: Dead or Alive? (Mostly Dead)
The lawmaking process was designed to make it hard to pass legislation. That’s a 2-edged sword, but lately it has been working in our favor. Even if the news itself isn't always good, we are fortunate to have an amazing statehouse press corps. Links here to some of their wrap-ups for further reading. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEnergyEnvironment
Newsletter article CAG March 18, 2024
Arming Teachers Bill (HB 4299) “Thankfully Dead”
We're happy to report that HB 4299 was never put on agenda and, in the words of one sensible Senator, was reported as “thankfully dead.” More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Newsletter article CAG March 18, 2024
HCFA 2024 Legislative Wrap Up
There are two bills that many are calling on the Governor to veto. One is SB 841, which cuts unemployment benefits. The other, HB 5105, creates exemptions for childhood immunizations in private, parochial, and virtual public schools. The best news at the end of the session might be the bills that didn't pass. Unfortunately, the “flat” budget passed on the last night of the session, failed to fill the $114 million dollar gap in Medicaid funding. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsFamiliesHealthcare
Newsletter article CAG March 18, 2024
Dead Election Bills More Notable Than Ones That Passed
100+ bills related to elections were introduced this session. Of those, only 6 made it to the Governor’s desk. With the trend of state lawmakers limiting voting access and making it harder for eligible Americans to vote continuing around the country, we’re fortunate that no voter suppression bills passed. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG March 4, 2024
Keep Vulnerable Children in School – OPPOSE SB 614
While teachers undoubtedly need more support and tools to address problematic student behavior, the primary response in SB 614 is removing, excluding, and isolating children who are generally between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Newsletter article CAG March 3, 2024
Tell Your Senators: No Arming Teachers!
Schools should be safer; and there is plenty of research that shows how to make that happen, not arming teachers! More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Newsletter article CAG March 3, 2024
Some Good News from the Capitol
In this brutal legislative session, victory doesn’t quite look the way it has in years past. Reducing the harm of any given bill through the committee and amendment process is a win. Read the good news, plus ways to challenge what the legislature is trying to do to laid off workers, elementary school students, and seniors on SNAP. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyFamilies
Newsletter article CAG March 3, 2024
Oppose HB 5159: Elimination of Work Permits Detrimental to Low-Income Youth
HB 5159 would now eliminate work permits for 14 and 15 year old's. It was advanced by the Senate Workforce Committee on February 21st, 2024. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Newsletter article CAG February 15, 2024
Multiple Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills Are Gaining Momentum In The Legislature
West Virginia could really use your support to fight back against these closed-minded proposals. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
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