Tag: Civil Rights

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Newsletter CAG January 28, 2020
Capital Eye Vol. 13 No. 3: Courts & Coal at the Capitol
Welcome back to Week 3! We know you have a life and can't track everything that happens during legislative session, so let us help. Read this week's update articles to see what's been happening since we touched base last week. Happy reading! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcare
Advocacy Letter CAG January 25, 2020
WV Criminal Justice Reform Coalition Urges Legislators to Support Comprehensive Package
Coalitions representing tens of thousands of West Virginians, including WV CAG, sent a letter to members of the WV Legislature urging them to support criminal justice reform. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsFamilies
Newsletter article CAG January 21, 2020
Post-Citizens United, We Can Make Democracy Healthy Again
Tuesday marks ten years since the US Supreme Court issued its decision in Citizens United v. the FEC. In the case, the Court ruled that corporations and other outside groups could not be restricted from spending money on elections. This led to the creation and growth of super PACs and the rise of dark money spending, increasing the power of the wealthiest donors and special interests to influence our elections. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Newsletter article CAG January 21, 2020
Week Two with Two Marches
The legislative session is building momentum but still has a month to the frantic deadlines for bills to crossover to the other house or die. So far 988 House bills and 594 in the Senate have been introduced. As mentioned last time, blessedly the majority won’t make the crossover, or even make a committee agenda. More
Issues: Civil RightsEnvironmentHealthcare
Newsletter CAG January 21, 2020
Capital Eye Vol. 13 No. 2: Insulin, Guns, & Democracy
Welcome back to Week 2! Read our latest update articles here to see what's been happening since we touched base last Wednesday. Happy reading! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter article CAG January 14, 2020
2020 Session Kicks off with a State of the State Yawn
Our governor’s State of the State speech last week seemed more of a re-election rally than serious look at what we’ll be facing in the new decade. Phil Kabler’s Statehouse column gives a much needed reality check on the problems facing our state as it lurches into this century’s ‘Roaring Twenties’. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcare
Newsletter article CAG January 13, 2020
This Session, Join Us in the Fight for a Democracy that Works for Everyone
The 2020 legislative session has begun and we’re ready to fight for a democracy that works for everyone -- a democracy where everyone participates, every vote is counted, and everyone's voice is heard. This year, our goal is to elevate and build support for the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform with emphasis on priority planks for WV Citizens for Clean Elections partners and allies. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Newsletter CAG January 13, 2020
Capital Eye Vol. 13 No. 1: 2020 Session Kicks off with a State of the State Yawn
New year, new legislative session. We know you have a life and can't track everything that happens during legislative session, so let us help. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcare
Julie Archer and Pam Garrison taking action, holding protest signs in support of the Voting Rights Act. Featured image to Capital Eye V12 N10
Newsletter CAG October 31, 2019
Capital Eye V12 N10 – Fall 2019
Capital Eye Vol. 12 No. 10 - Building power; The Voting Rights Act; #CountMeInWV; Our Healthcare for All Platform; #WVProDemocracy; and more! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyHealthcare
Action Alert CAG October 8, 2019
Raise Your Hand & Your Voice for the Rx Drug Day of Action
Drug corporations, their powerful Pharma lobbyists and their allies in Congress are gearing up to stop any legislative that takes away their unlimited power to price-gouge patients and inflate their profits. It’s up to us to fight back! Wherever you are, join us by signing the petition supporting the “Lower Drug Prices Now” campaign principles and urging members of Congress to act. If you're in the Charleston area, join us for an "Rx Day of Action" to Lower Prescription Drug Prices this Thursday, Oct. 10, 12:15 - 1 PM outside Senator Shelley Moore Capito's office at 500 Virginia St. East in Charleston. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyHealthcare
Action Alert CAG September 14, 2019
What the Heck is Medicare for All? Find Out Monday (9/16) in Charleston
You've heard the buzz, and you might be wondering... What the heck is Medicare for All? And what can it do for me? Find out Monday at a Medicare for All Forum in Charleston! If you're tired of not getting the healthcare you need, or paying through the nose, this event is for you. Learn how this big idea could help save money and lives across America... and how we can make it happen soon. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyHealthcare
Action Alert CAG September 4, 2019
What the Heck is Medicare for All? Find Out Tomorrow (9/5) in Beckley
You've heard the buzz, and you might be wondering... What the heck is Medicare for All? And what can it do for me? Find out tomorrow at a Medicare for All Forum in Beckley! If you're tired of not getting the healthcare you need, or paying through the nose, this event is for you. Learn how this big idea could help save money and lives across America... and how we can make it happen soon. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyHealthcare
Action Alert CAG August 23, 2019
You’ve heard the buzz, and you might be wondering …
You've heard the buzz, and you might be wondering... What the heck is Medicare for All? And what can it do for me? You may have also heard about a series of ICE raids in West Virginia last week and be wondering what you can do to show solidarity with our immigrant neighbors? More here on opportunities to learn and ways you can help. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert CAG August 2, 2019
Democracy Works Best When Everyone Can Fully Participate
Please join us Tuesday, August 6 at noon at the Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse in Charleston to stand up for voting rights and call on Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act of 1962 by passing the Voting Rights Advancement Act (HR 4). More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG July 18, 2019
Volunteers needed! Healthcare for All canvassing starts Sunday.
Healthcare is a human right, and all of us deserve affordable, quality healthcare. Yet most West Virginians that we talk to have trouble accessing or affording the care that they need. We will never get the healthcare system that we deserve until we organize people to demand it. More
Issues: Civil RightsHealthcare
Action Alert CAG July 9, 2019
Actions & Trainings to Support People-Powered Campaigns
Send a letter to the State Election Commission today to ask them to hold politicians and special interests accountable. After you've sent your letter, sign up for one or both of these FREE trainings to build power though  on building power through community conversations, and how you can use your skills to help ordinary West Virginians running for office.  More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert CAG July 2, 2019
Tell the State Election Commission to Support Transparency, Hold Politicians Accountable
Earlier this year, legislators passed SB 622, a bill that is disastrous for those of us who want elections where candidates listen to the voices of everyday people, not wealthy donors and special interests. Right now, the State Election Commission is writing rules on how the new law will be implemented and enforced.  We looked at the rules, and they need to be strengthened. You can help! Please send a letter to the Commission urging them to support increased transparency and to strengthen the rules to hold politicians accountable. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG June 26, 2019
Upcoming trainings! Community Convos + Demystifying Campaigns
Join us for two free trainings in July! First, on July 13th we'll be diving into how to have effective conversations with your community to make change. Then on July 20th, learn how you can be a part of a political campaign to help your favorite candidate(s) win. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyHealthcare
Newsletter CAG June 18, 2019
Capital Eye Special Edition: Special Session
It's hard to know where to begin to unravel the latest appearance of the Zombie Education Deform Bill. Back from the grave of the regular 2019 legislative session, it regained life last month when Senate President Mitch Charmichael, resurrected it - much in the same form as the original, but with even harsher slaps at teacher strikes and organized labor. More
Issues: Civil RightsEnergyFamilies
Action Alert CAG June 16, 2019
Reminder & Update: Education Rally & Teach-In Monday, Resist Rockwool Wednesday
This is just a friendly reminder about tomorrow's (Monday, June 17th) student-led rally and teach-in in support of public education. Students, parents and community members who want to show solidarity with our hard-working teachers and school service personnel, please join us at 10 AM in front of the House chamber. We also wanted to let you know that Monday's planned actions against Rockwool have been rescheduled for Wednesday, June 19th. Please check this event's Facebook page for updates and locations. Eastern panhandle residents would love supporters to join them. More
Issues: Civil RightsEnvironmentFamilies
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