Tag: Civil Rights

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Action Alert CAG November 19, 2015
Celebrate with us on December 3rd!
Help us celebrate our 2015 successes at our Holiday Fundraiser Party on December 3rd! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEconomyEnergyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Action Alert CAG November 17, 2015
Speak up before we are out of time
Time is quickly running out. Congress must pass a spending bill before December 11th to keep the government running and provide the programs that millions of Americans rely on every day. Congress has made some progress by agreeing on how much money should be spent on defense and non-defense programs, but there is still a lot more to do. More
Issues: Civil RightsFair taxationFamilies
Action Alert CAG November 11, 2015
Help keep vets out of poverty
Today is Veteran’s Day and we give thanks to the proud men and women who serve in our armed forces. We want to serve them back by ensuring they keep their benefits from the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC). More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG November 3, 2015
Fair Courts: Money, politics tipping scales of justice?
If you went to court tomorrow, would you ultimately get a fair and impartial decision? Or are the scales of justice tilted by special interests spending big and playing dirty in efforts to shape elected courts to their liking? A new national report underscores the troubling answer to these questions. Bankrolling the Bench: The New Politics of Judicial Elections 2013-14, by nonpartisan organizations Justice at Stake, the Brennan Center for Justice, and the National Institute on Money in State Politics examines such attempts to influence state Supreme Courts. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyFamilies
Action Alert CAG October 27, 2015
Help working families!
The West Virginia state legislature has created a temporary committee to look at ways to improve our tax system. Tell members of this committee that West Virginia will be a better place to live, work, and raise a family with an EITC. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFair taxationFamilies
Advocacy Letter CAG October 27, 2015
Pass a clean budget bill and reject attacks on CFPB’s authority on forced arbitration
We are joining other consumer advocates in calling for the passage of a clean budget and the rejection of any riders that would affect the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's ability to continue its rulemaking on binding mandatory arbitration clauses in consumer financial services contracts. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEconomy
Action Alert CAG October 20, 2015
Take Action for Racial Equality in WV
Take Action for Racial Justice will be an opportunity to JOIN A TEAM that is working on a racial justice issue, such as reducing racial disparities in arrests in Charleston, Second Chance Employment Act & Let Me Drive, Let Me Work, juvenile justice reform, West Side/East End reinvestment, and racial justice dialogue and education. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Action Alert CAG October 20, 2015
Upside Down
Our tax system is upside down – big corporations pay lower tax rates than small businesses and the wealthy pay lower tax rates than the rest of us. But one way that our tax system helps people afford the basics is by giving them tax credits for work (Earned Income Tax Credit) and for child care (Child Tax Credit). More
Issues: Civil RightsFair taxationFamilies
Action Alert CAG September 29, 2015
Time is running out…
During the upcoming legislative session, one of WV CAG’s focuses will be on passing a state-based earned income tax credit (EITC); this happens to be one of the policy proposals for the Our Children, Our Future campaign. We need your help to get the WV EITC on the 2016 OCOF platform! More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFair taxationFamilies
Newsletter CAG September 22, 2015
Capital Eye, Fall 2015
Check out our Fall 2015 'Capital Eye' newsletter! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentFair taxationFamilies
Action Alert CAG September 22, 2015
Vote to decide the 2016 OCOF public policy platform!
Earlier this week, the Our Children, Our Future campaign held their annual Policy Summit. WV CAG, along with other member organizations and citizens from all across the state came to the capitol to hear about the 18 policy proposals, connect with others, and speak with legislators. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Advocacy Letter CAG September 17, 2015
Coalition Letter to House Opposing HR 1737 Auto Discrimination
On behalf of the undersigned organizations, we urge you to oppose H.R. 1737, the so-called “Reforming CFPB Indirect Auto Financing Guidance Act.” This legislation is simply an effort to stop the CFPB from enforcing laws against discrimination. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsFamilies
Action Alert CAG August 27, 2015
Local Events on the Iran Deal
Over the past several weeks WV CAG has been coordinating efforts with one of our old allies, WV Patriots for Peace (WVPP), to try to inject some sanity into the local debate over the proposed Iran Deal. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Action Alert CAG August 24, 2015
Upcoming OCOF events; RSVP today!
Our Children, Our Future is a state-wide campaign of over 150 organizations – WV CAG being one of them! – working to end child poverty in West Virginia. Each year the campaign accepts a variety of policy proposals, five of which will go on to be the campaign’s primary focus during the legislative session. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Action Alert CAG August 17, 2015
It’s time to #FixOvertime!
Right now, salaried workers in the United States are only eligible for overtime pay if they are paid less than $23,660 annually – essentially poverty wages. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyWorkers
Action Alert CAG August 13, 2015
Attend the WV Freedom School!
West Virginia Citizen Action Group is co-sponsoring the American Friends Service Committee’s (AFSC) WV Freedom School, a three-day intensive workshop where young people ages 14-22 will learn about the history of race and racism in our country. Those attending will also learn how to do a power analysis of their community to understand how and why racism and racial inequality persist today. Most importantly, attendees will leave knowing how to organize in their school or community to help build and lead the movement in West Virginia. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG August 3, 2015
Ask Congress to Support Iran Nuclear Deal
Congress is in a battle over a proposed Iran Nuclear Deal that would dramatically curb Iran's nuclear program in exchange for easing international sanctions on Iran. Republicans are working to kill the deal and put the United States back on a path of confrontation that could lead to war. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Action Alert CAG May 1, 2015
We need your help to reach our goal!
I’m sure you experienced some of the same feelings we did after the 2014 elections- disappointment, anxiety, disgust- and, of course, things went from bad to worse during the following legislative session. So many bad bills were introduced, it was hard to keep up with them all! Now is the time for us to really dig in and ramp up our efforts to reverse this attack on working families. Over the coming months we will be leading the efforts to engage voters and energize our progressive base. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Press Release CAG April 15, 2015
Tax Dodging Fortune 500 Companies
Citizen Action calls for closing loopholes on “Tax Dodging Dozen” Fortune 500 Companies who paid zero 2014 income taxes More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFair taxation
Action Alert CAG April 13, 2015
Tax Day Help Wanted
Join us on TAX DAY to get the word out about who is and WHO IS NOT paying their taxes, and about where those tax dollars go! More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFair taxation
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