CAG Action Alert

Upcoming OCOF events; RSVP today!

Citizen Action Group Action Alert
Aug 24, 2015 View / Comment Online Donate

Upcoming OCOF events; RSVP today!

ocof policy summit

Our Children, Our Future is a state-wide campaign of over 150 organizations – WV CAG being one of them! – working to end child poverty in West Virginia.  Each year the campaign accepts a variety of policy proposals, five of which will go on to be the campaign’s primary focus during the legislative session.

The campaign held regional policy workshops across the state during July and August.   Hundreds of citizens and local organizations’ staff members attended to get updates on the campaign, hear the policy proposals, and have a chance to workshop their favorite proposals.

Now, the campaign is gearing up to host the Annual OCOF Policy Summit, where the 27 policy proposals will once again be introduced, discussed, and finally voted upon.  The top ten will be the OCOF 2016 platform, and the top five will be the campaign’s main priority.

WV CAG has co-introduced a policy proposal on participatory budgeting, a democratic process that allows community members to decide how to spend part of a public budget.  Participatory budgeting has been found to increase civic engagement, strengthen relationships between officials and residents, create new community leaders, and make spending more effective and fair.

We hope you’ll come out to the Annual OCOF Policy Summit on September 14th and 15th to support our policy proposal, as well as others you feel passionate about.  The summit will take place at the Cultural Center in Charleston and is completely free.   For more details and to register, visit:

Can’t attend?  Watch our social media and website for a link allowing you to cast your vote for the top policy proposals!

After the Policy Summit, attend a Candidate Training to help you learn how to run for office or manage someone else’s campaign!  RSVP here:

candidate training ocof

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