CAG Action Alert

Upside Down

Our tax system is upside down – big corporations pay lower tax rates than small businesses and the wealthy pay lower tax rates than the rest of us.

But one way that our tax system helps people afford the basics is by giving them tax credits for work (Earned Income Tax Credit) and for child care (Child Tax Credit). But some key provisions within these credits won’t be around forever. We need Congress to do the right thing and make these key provisions permanent so families can continue to make ends meet.

Click here to tell Senators Manchin & Capito to fight for West Virginia families and help make these provisions permanent!

When Congress returns from their break this fall, Republicans will be looking at extending huge tax giveaways to big corporations and Wall Street. Instead of more tax breaks for corporations that cut wages and ship our jobs overseas, Congress should be boosting tax credits for hard-working families that help families provide for their children and meet the basics.

These tax credits help millions of hard-working Americans make ends meet, go to work, and provide the basics for their children. Without them, it will be harder to pay for things like childcare and transportation that help keep these families working.

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