CAG Action Alert

An exciting week of events

Citizen Action Group Action Alert
 An exciting week of events
Feb 13, 2015 View / Comment Online Donate

Support Clean Water by Attending the public hearing on Monday February 16 at 8:30 am in the House of Delegates Chamber at the state capitol on House Bill 2289, a DEP bill that would reclassify the Kanawha River as a Catagory A drinking water source. This would allow a secondary drinking water intake to be built on the Kanawha River. Having a secondary intake would make the 300,000 people who depend on Charleston’s water far less likely to lose their water again as they did last year.

There have been various industry attacks made against similar proposals, so strong public show of support for this bill is important.

Anyone can speak at the hearing. Get to the House Chamber 10 min. early and sign up to speak on the page that says “in Support of HB 2289.”  Prepare to only have about 1-2 minutes to speak.  You can bring a copy of your comments to submit for the record. You can also bring friends’ written comments and submit them on their behalf.

After the hearing on Monday will be a good opportunity to lobby your legislators in support of strong drinking water protections.  We will gather outside the House Chamber with anyone who wants to learn how to lobby. There will also be committee hearings that morning on water issues.

Also on Monday, Senate Minority Leader Jeff Kessler is urging all West Virginians to come to the State Capitol as a show support for West Virginia’s working men and women and social justice issues. Minority Leader Kessler made his plea from the senate floor following an attempt to repeal SB 361 West Virginia’s prevailing wage law. saying “… working men and women are under attack by the new Republican majority…”  Kessler is asking all West Virginians to come to the Capitol on President’s Day, Monday, February 16, a rally will take place at noon on the south side steps (on the Kanawha River side) of the Capitol.

Wednesday Feb 18 from 10am to 3pm Come to E-Day at the Capitol

Join West Virginia Citizen Action Group and West Virginia Environmental Council as well as many other groups & citizens as we lobby for a better West Virginia, clean water, air and health. Visit displays on a variety of issues, lobby, and join us for a rally at noon in the Lower Rotunda. The tables beside the Robert C. Byrd statue will help guide you to committee meetings, representatives and have Fact sheets  for anyone who wants to lobby. 


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