CAG Action Alert

URGENT ACTION: Call 1-2PM Today 3/24 to say NO on Tax Cuts for the Wealthiest in WV!

to speak at the 3pm Public Hearing TOMORROW.
Tell Legislators NO to HB3300 (Click Here)
Slashing the Income Tax Will Cost Families in WV for Years to Come!

As expected, House Finance unveiled and passed out of committee HB 3300, their alternative plan to the governor’s to eliminate the personal income tax. While touted in committee as “modest” and “responsible” tax reform, this bill is very extreme and being rushed despite its huge implications for every West Virginian (Analysis of HB 3300 can be found here).

It would completely eliminate the personal income tax, 43% of our state budget, within about 13 years, though that could happen even faster. In the first year, 88% of the tax cuts go to the top 20%.

There is NO WAY to cut $2 billion- or $1 billion, or $500 million from the budget without devastating, painful cuts to higher ed, public education, children and family services, and health care. 

Call TODAY between 1-2PM to speak at the Public Hearing – Thursday at 3PM:

You can find out more about the impact of this bill and similar legislation HERE.

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