We Dissent: Let’s Turn Our Outrage Into Action

On June 24th, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned nearly 50 years of legal precedent and did away with the constitutional right to abortion. The Supreme Court’s reckless decision will affect countless people in our state, robbing them of the ability to make the personal — and intensely private — decision about whether or not to become a parent.

Join us and our friends at Planned Parenthood South Atlantic, ACLU of WV, Women’s Health Center, and WV FREE for a day of dissent on the steps of the WV State Capitol.

We Dissent!: A Rally for Abortion Rights

Saturday, July 9th
2:00 pm

WV State Capitol, Kanawha Blvd. Steps
Charleston, WV 


Live closer to the eastern panhandle and want to get involved?  You’re in luck!  On the same day, Saturday July 9th, at 10 am another rally will be held at the Jefferson Courthouse RSVP here.

Decades of attacks left abortion rights hanging by a thread. That thread was cut with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, but we are not defeated. We must keep fighting until every person, no matter where we live, how much money we make, or what we look like, has the freedom to make our own decisions about our lives and futures.

We can’t wait to stand in solidarity and turn our outrage into action. See you on Saturday!

Julie Archer
Project Manager for WVCAG

P.S. Want to volunteer at the Charleston rally on Saturday? There are lots of opportunities for those who want to crowd canvas, help with set up or clean up, pass out refreshments, and more. Sign up here if you are interested in volunteering.

Additional Actions, Events & Resources

We hope that you can make it to the Capitol on Saturday. However, as we prepare to gather in Charleston, we also want people to feel empowered to take action at home. Here are some additional actions, events and activist resources. 


Let’s Talk About Abortion: Your SCOTUS Questioned Answered’ – Recorded discussion with ACLU-WV Legal Director Loree Stark and Women’s Health Center Executive Director Katie Quiñonez about the recent Supreme Court Ruling, what it means for West Virginia, and what’s next. Video here.  

TONIGHT, Thursday 7/7, 6-7 pm, *Live Event* ‘Let’s Talk About Abortion: Faith and Reproductive Rights’ – Join a discussion with leaders from a variety of faith traditions to talk about the recent SCOTUS decision and how we can respond.


Women’s Health Center is still here but is pausing their abortion services. Click here to learn about the other services they provide and how you can support their work. Then take action by signing their petition to repeal the “crime of abortion” in West Virginia

Text “MyBodyWV” to 30403 to sign the WV Working Families Party petition urging the WV Legislature to protect and expand abortion access. 

Activist Do’s & Dont’s Guide from Liberate Abortion 

Abortion is Essential to Democracy – This pre-decision series of essays from the Brennan Center for Justice series provides fresh takes on the importance of lawful abortion access coming from the democracy angle (distinct from the reproductive rights and justice angle) and focusing on issues like money in politics and the power of state courts to fight back. Several pieces, such as “The Danger of Laws Criminalizing Pregnancy Outcomes” may be of particular interest in this new post-Roe climate. 

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