ACTION ALERTS: We need your voice and WVCCE needs your support


As we begin a new year with a new president, we are at a critical juncture that presents both challenges and opportunities in regards to reforms that strengthen our democracy, and protect judicial independence. WV Citizen Action, in partnership with our WV Citizens for Clean Elections coalition partners, remains committed to the work needed to hold our government accountable, to ensure we create a country where everyone can thrive.

That’s why we are joining with the Declaration for American Democracy coalition to support the For The People Act (HR 1) and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act (HR 4) to protect and strengthen the sacred right to vote and return the power of our democracy to the people.

Take Action with WVCAG & WVCCE! We can’t do what we do without people like you joining our webinars and trainings, signing peititions, writing Letters to the Editor, calling your Congress members, and donating. 

We‘ve three big asks:

1) Attend “Conversations on Democracy” this Tuesday, January 26th at 7:30 PM. Discussion will be on improving our democracy before the next election by ending Citizens United and the electoral college, instituting ranked choice voting, ending corruption, and more. You can attend via FB or Zoom. 

2) Take Action with WVCCE HERE and demand that the Biden-Harris administration and our members of Congress champion democracy reform as a first priority. This will require writing Letters to the Editor, making calls, and signing petitions. Click here for actions you can take to make your voice heard and help pass the For the People Act

3) Donate. WVCCE could really use your financial support, to continue organizing West Virginians and bringing our communities together to strengthen our democracy and protect our institutions. A generous supporter has agreed to match every donation up to $10,000 we receive between now and the end of January, so your donation will have double the impactWe need to raise about $4,000 in order to reach our goal.

You can donate online or mail a check. To mail a check, make it out to the fiscal agend for this project, The Ohio Valley Envirionmental Coalition (OVEC), with “WV Pro-Democracy Match” in the comment field or memo line, mailed to PO Box 6753, Huntington, WV 25773.

Thank you all so much for all you do to take action with WV Citizen Action and our partners.

In Solidarity,

Julie Archer
Project Manager, WV Citizen Action Group
Coordinator, WV Citizens for Clean Elections –
1500 Dixie St., Charleston, WV 25311

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