Join Today’s National Call-In Day to Protect SNAP

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
West Virginia
Citizen Action Group
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From our friends at the Coalition for Human Needs:

Senate Expected to Vote on Farm Bill This Week

Take these steps to protect SNAP in the Senate Farm Bill:

  1. Join National SNAP Call-In Day TODAYTuesday, June 26. 
    Call 1-888-398-8702 and enter your zip code to be connected to your Senators. (Toll-free number courtesy of Feeding America.)
  2. Urge your Senators to vote to protect and strengthen SNAP, to vote “YES” on the Senate Agriculture Committee version of the Farm Bill (S. 3042), and to vote “NO” on any and all harmful amendments that would cut or weaken SNAP.
  3. Click to Tweet: Senate Ag Cmte #FarmBill protects SNAP & keeps food on the table for children, working families, seniors, veterans, ppl with disabilities, among others. We join @fractweets in urging @SenateFloor to vote NO on any amendments that would weaken #SNAP

S. 3042 (pdf) passed the Senate Agriculture Committee on June 13. It is expected to be taken up by the Senate this week, with a vote likely on Thursday, June 28. Unlike the House Farm Bill (H.R. 2), the Senate bill protects SNAP benefit levels and eligibility, and keeps food on the table for struggling low-income people.

Yours for Action,