Public hearing and extended commenting time for Pleasants bailout

Speak up on Thursday, April 20th at 3:30pm in Charleston for a public hearing at the PSC offices, or send in your comments now.

The power plants currently owned by Mon Power produce more than enough energy for existing customers. West Virginia electric ratepayers have zero need for an additional power plant. The sale of Pleasants Power Station benefits no one but the profit-seekers behind Mon Power, who are attempting to shift the significant liabilities and costs of this bailout from its investors onto West Virginians.

Submit Your Comments

West Virginians’ electricity rates were already raised 4.8% in early 2023—we shouldn’t have to face another hike in utility prices. But that’s exactly what will happen if Mon Power and Potomac Edison’s proposal to purchase Pleasants Power Station is successful.

Tell the PSC that you don’t want to pay to keep open a power plant that we don’t need, and won’t benefit us. Join us for a public hearing on Thursday, April 20th at 3:30pm at the PSC office in Charleston.

Can’t make it on Thursday? No problem! Submit your comments now! Tell the PSC how increased electric bills would affect your family or business.

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