Tag: Civil Rights

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Action Alert CAG October 19, 2020
GOTV Volunteer Opportunity: Text Banking with Vote Together WV – Oct. 20th 6:30 PM
Want to help increase the number of West Virginians who vote in the upcoming election? Join Vote Together WV for text banking! We will have a short training on this easy to use system, and then we will spend about an hour sending messages. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG October 19, 2020
GOTV Volunteer Opportunity: Phonebanking with the ACLU – Oct. 20th 5:00 PM
ACLU and WV Families of Convicted People are continuing to phonebank formerly incarcerated West Virginians every Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm and Sunday at 4pm. Volunteer from home and call your fellow West Virginians to help them navigate the registration and voting process in the 2020 General Election! All phone bankers will be provided with training and materials needed to virtual phone bank. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG September 28, 2020
Both economic and racial justice are core progressive priorities, but too often we discuss them separately. In fact, racial and economic harms are intertwined as are our desired solutions to them. Wealthy elites exploit racial fears to turn working people against each other and government; economic pain increases racial resentment, fueling anti-immigrant sentiment and lending credence to the notion of a “rural-urban” divide... More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomy
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG September 25, 2020
IN THE NEWS: How incremental healthcare reforms built the industries we’re fighting today (Part One)
There’s a common joke among single payer advocates that America’s healthcare system is not a “system” at all, in that its pieces don’t function or connect to each other particularly well, and that it has come together relatively ad-hoc, rather than being intentionally designed. This is certainly accurate in some respects. When you think about it, from providers to insurance companies to drug manufacturers the majority of the actual provision of healthcare in... More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyHealthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG September 10, 2020
WV Groups support national THRIVE Agenda released in Congress today
A coalition of grassroots groups, labor unions, Black, Brown and Indigenous leaders from across the nation, and members of Congress today announced the introduction of a bold plan for economic renewal known as the THRIVE Agenda. THRIVE — Transform, Heal, and Renew by Investing in a Vibrant Economy — was introduced today in Congress. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyEnvironmentHealthcare
Action Alert CAG August 26, 2020
Protect Our Democracy – Take Action to Ensure We Can Vote Safely By Mail
As your probably know, all voters have the option of voting absentee due to concerns about COVID-19. This is the safest option because you can vote safely from home. However, despite our efforts to make the process consistent with the primary, for the general election registered voters won’t be mailed an absentee ballot application. Click here for more information and actions you can take to ensure our democracy can function in this pandemic. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG August 25, 2020
Health Care For All 2020 Virtual Summit, Sept. 21-22
Save the date! SEPTEMBER 21 and 22 from 6:00-7:30pm, we'll be hosting our Health Care Summit, hosting medical professionals, Medicaid experts, and average citizens telling their health care stories. Are you tired of struggling, or watching friends and family struggle, to get life-saving health care?  Do you think health care is a human right? Do you agree that West Virginians deserve better? We do and we need your help! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert CAG August 18, 2020
Request Your Mail-In Ballot Online
Did you know you can request a WV mail-in ballot ONLINE? If you are considering using a mail-in ballot, we highly recommend requesting your mail-in ballot as soon as possible, and as soon as you receive it, to complete and mail it in, to allow ample time for delivery and receipt of your ballot, so that your vote can be counted. The last day to request an absentee ballot is October 28. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
WV WFP Virtual Convention
Action Alert CAG August 5, 2020
WV Working Families Party Virtual Convention, Aug. 8th, 3-6PM
Join the West Virginia Working Families Party on August 8th from 3-6PM and help build a stronger collective of people and organizations moving together towards our shared vision for the country. RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/wv-wfp/event/289206/. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter CAG August 4, 2020
Capital Eye Vol. 13 No. 10 – Summer 2020
Since mid-March, WV CAG has worked with partners and allies to provide a local, state, and federal response to the pandemic, and communicate to our governor, DHHR, and other state and local officials what regular folks really need to get through this crisis. You make this and all of our work possible. Thank you! Keep reading to learn more about other projects we're focused on and ways you can keep this work going and growing. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnvironmentHealthcareWorkers
Action Alert CAG July 10, 2020
Charleston NAACP & Tuesday Morning Group Letter Proposing Economic Justice and Equity Fund
In May, the Charleston WV NAACP has submitted a letter to our state leadership including Governor Justice, Senate President Mitch Carmichael, and Speaker Delegate Henshaw requesting additional resources that address COVID-related health disparities in African American and poor communities in WV. The text of the letter can be found here. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyHealthcare
Advocacy Letter CAG July 10, 2020
Economic Justice and Equity Fund Needed to Address Health & Economic Disparities
WV CAG and other organizations sent a letter of support for the Hope 20/20/20 Economic Justice & Equity Fund to Governor Justice and legislative leaders calling on them to make additional funding and resources available to address COVID-related and other health and economic disparities in African American and poor communities in West Virginia. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert CAG June 24, 2020
Join Us for a Healthcare for All Virtual Town Hall
Are you tired of struggling -- or watching friends and family struggle -- to get life-saving healthcare? Do you think healthcare is a human right? Do you agree that West Virginians deserve better? We do! And we need your help. Tune in for one of our upcoming Town Halls to learn about our recent victories, hear about changes we can win together in 2021, tell us what else we should be working on, and learn how to get involved. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert CAG May 23, 2020
Join Us for a Healthcare for ALL Virtual Town Hall
Are you tired of struggling -- or watching friends and family struggle -- to get life-saving healthcare? Do you think healthcare is a human right? Do you agree that West Virginians deserve better? We do! And we need your help. Tune in for a Healthcare for All Virtual Town Hall this Tuesday, May 26 at 6pm, to share your ideas and join the Healthcare for All WV movement. Save your spot today! More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyHealthcare
Action Alert CAG May 12, 2020
Let’s #VoteTogetherWV to give this primary the best turnout ever!
Want to make friends, win prizes, and connect with your neighbors about voting safely in the era of COVID-19? Join us for phone banking and helping your neighbors vote! With all of the changes due to the coronavirus pandemic, WV Citizen Action is joining together with our partners and allies to get information to voters about important dates and how they can vote absentee. The Vote Together WV coalition is hosting two phone bank shifts per week, where volunteers can support and encourage each other, win prizes, while making phone calls safely from home. Sign up here! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG May 8, 2020
Help Fix Our Broken Health Care System – Tell Us What You Think
Many of us were already struggling to get healthcare. Now, a global pandemic has uncovered even more gaps in the system.  Even more West Virginians are falling through the cracks.  It's unacceptable. We deserve better. And this Spring we we showed that when we come together for better healthcare -- healthcare that values people over profit -- we can win. So, what should we do next to fix our broken healthcare system? Tell us what you think! More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyHealthcareWorkers
Action Alert CAG April 28, 2020
Our Court, Our Vote – Judges Are on the Ballot: Know Your Judicial Candidates
West Virginia voters will elect three justices to the West Virginia Supreme Court in the upcoming primary election.  WV Citizens for Clean Elections is excited to launch a new website, wvcourtelections.org, to help voters learn more about these elections and the judicial candidates. Our rights as voters, workers, parents, and community members depend on the decisions of our elected judges. It is imperative that we are better informed about our courts and the judicial candidates so that we can use our right to vote effectively. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyFamiliesWorkers
Action Alert CAG April 24, 2020
COVID-19 and Voting: Help Your Neighbors Vote!
The West Virginia Primary Election is coming up fast on June 9, and it's going to take ALL OF US to help people vote in the era of COVID-19! We’re looking for volunteers to make phone calls from their homes from April 30 until June 9. We’ll provide virtual trainings, scripts, phone numbers, staff who are on call to answer questions, and all the info you need to get started. Join us for the Vote Together WV phone bank launch and training, Thursday, April 30, 5-8:30PM. Sign up here. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Action Alert CAG April 22, 2020
Earth Day 2020: Strike, divest, and vote for our future
This year, on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we're taking action online at a scale the climate movement has never done before. On April 22-24, millions of people around the world are going online for a three-day mobilization to stop the climate emergency. Activists, performers, influencers, and thought leaders are coming together to host a 3-day digital event full of teach-ins, performances, and more. Click here to find out more. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyEnergyEnvironmentFamilies
Newsletter CAG April 8, 2020
Capital Eye Vol. 13 No. 9 – Spring 2020
In this Spring edition... Legislative Wrap Up & What's Next - Big Victories for Health Care for All WV Coalition - Attacks on the Courts Defeated; Reforms, Informed Voting in Judicial Elections Needed - Absentee Voting Available to All Due to Coronavirus Emergency - Coming Together, Building Grassroots Power - Awards Dinner Postponed but Not Our People First Agenda - 4 Things You Can Do During the Covid-19 Pandemic More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEnergyHealthcare
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