October Events You Don’t Want to Miss

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
West Virginia
Citizen Action Group
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There are several upcoming events in Charleston that offer an opportunity to engage with other folks who are exploring ways to respond to climate change, how to achieve health care for all, and common sense solutions to fight the influence of big money in politics. There are also chances to learn more about and hear directly from the candidates in key races this election (see details below).

Speaking of the election, the deadline to register to vote is Tuesday, October 16. With many important races on the ballot, it’s important to make sure you’re registered to vote and ready to vote. It’s easy to register to vote or update your registration online at http://ovr.sos.wv.gov/ or by visiting your county clerk. Even if you think you are registered, it’s a good idea to check your registration status at GoVoteWV.com or by contacting your county clerk just to be sure. 

Yours for Action,

Team WV CAG 

Upcoming Events

October 12 (TONIGHT), 7-9 PM – WV Premier of UNFRACTURED hosted by West Virginia Interfaith Power and Light (WVIPL) and the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC). Come see this environmental justice documentary about the fight to win a statewide fracking ban in New York. 

October 14, 2-4 PM – Health Care for All: A Community Conversation to discuss how we achieve health care for all. Learn about various pathways to health care for all from Medicare for All to other state and federal health care coverage options, and how to become an advocate for quality, affordable health care.

October 15, 6-8 PM – WV Bar Association Supreme Court Candidate Forum, Division One – Tickets are $30 to attend the event at the WV Culture Center, but the forum will be broadcast live on WV PBS 2 (the West Virginia Channel) and Facebook.   

October 15, 7-8:45 PM – ‘Dark Money’ – October’s Movies That Matter Monday Film at the Underground Cinema. This political thriller that examines one of the greatest present threats to American democracy: the influence of untraceable corporate money on our elections and elected officials. (Also showing October 22 & October 29)

October 16, 6:30-7:30 PM – Charleston Mayoral Debate hosted by AARP West Virginia, Charleston Area Alliance, Charleston Main Streets, Charleston Gazette-Mail and WCHS & WVAH TV at the Civic Center Little Theater. Doors open at 5:45 PM. 

October 16, 6-9 PM – Generation Charleston Debate Watch Party – Watch the live television broadcast of the Charleston Mayoral Debate with friends and colleagues on the big screens at the The Athletic Club Sports Bar and Grille. 

October 18 – 6-8 PM – WV Bar Association Supreme Court Candidate Forum, Division Two – Tickets are $30 to attend the event at the WV Culture Center, but the forum will be broadcast live on WV PBS 2 (the West Virginia Channel) and Facebook.  

Check our calendar page for additions, updates and changes. If you have events you would like WV CAG to consider posting, e-mail the details to info@wvcag.org.