PRESS RELEASE: Protect Our Care Launches Ad in West Virginia and Other States in Seven-Figure Campaign Calling for Action To Lower Drug Prices

“West Virginia Families Can’t Wait: It’s Time To Lower Drug Prices” Is Running on Digital Platforms Statewide

Watch the 30-Second Ad Here


CHARLESTON, WV – Protect Our Care launched its second digital ad in West Virginia as part of a seven-figure campaign about the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs. The ad showcases the impact on patients when drug companies hike the price of essential medicines for West Virginians again and again. The ad makes clear the importance of giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices for all Americans.

The ad is part of The Campaign to Reduce Drug Prices, a grassroots and communications campaign calling for comprehensive legislation to lower drug prices. “West Virginia Families Can’t Wait: It’s Time To Lower Drug Prices” is running on digital platforms, focusing particularly on older West Virginians. Protect Our Care previously released a previous ad in West Virginia and will continue to run ads and host events both nationally and in 14 key states, including West Virginia throughout the summer.

“It is shameful that Americans pay three times more for medicines than people in other countries,” said Protect Our Care West Virginia State Director Lynette Maselli. “While drug company profits soar, they continue to hike the price of lifesaving drugs for West Virginians and people across the country, forcing millions of families to choose between paying for the medicines they need to live or paying for food or rent. It’s time for West Virginia lawmakers to do the right thing and support giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices. The time to act is now.”


Script for “West Virginia Families Can’t Wait: It’s Time To Lower Drug Prices” (:30s):

It’s always the same thing. 

The costs of prescription drugs keep going up. 

How are patients supposed to afford this?

Families need these life-saving drugs just to stay alive.

West Virginia families pay 3 times more than people do in other countries to get the same medicines. 

Drug companies make more and more profits, and drug prices go up and up for patients. 

We can’t wait any longer to act.

Congress needs to give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices