Civil Rights

Action Alert

Deep Canvass Institute: September Training Series

For over a decade, deep canvassers have been changing hearts and minds around race, immigration, public safety, marriage equality, the environment and more. We will dive into what is deep canvassing, what it has achieved and training, demonstrate script structure and the deep canvass skill of telling your stories!

Citizen Action Group Blog

Voter Issues and Action Survey: Full Summary of Results

Our Voter Issues and Action Survey was very successful in calling attention to many of the issues voters face when attempting to make their voices heard at the polls. We are confident that this will serve as a stable foundation as we work with our partners to devise new initiatives to hold election officials accountable and encourage them to resolve many of the issues identified through this campaign. Read the full summary here.

Action Alert

We Need Your WV Health Care Stories!

High prescription drug costs making it hard to be well and pay your bills? Are you struggling to keep your Medicaid and work? Please, consider sharing your WV Health Care Story. Decisionmakers won’t know our struggles unless we tell them.

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