WV Citizen Action Group Blog

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Citizen Action Group
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG January 10, 2014
WV Citizen Action Group 2014 Public Policy Priorities
Thousands of hard working West Virginians earn minimum wage, but no matter how hard they work, minimum wage is simply not enough to cover their basic needs, like food, rent and health. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEnergyHealthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog Gary Zuckett January 9, 2014
“Taste of Fracking” Comes to Charleston
“Don’t drink, cook or even bathe in the water,” I heard the announcer say on public radio. Not something you hear everyday about your tap water. Charleston and WV Lawmakers, this is a "Taste Of Fracking" right here in the capital city. Ironic that the cause was the coal service industry. Maybe both need better monitoring and regulation? More
Issues: FrackingWater
Citizen Action Group Blog Gary Zuckett January 8, 2014
Statement from our national USAction Affiliate on Senate Unemployment Vote
Now that Democrats and a handful of Republicans in the Senate have voted to advance a bill to renew unemployment benefits, will the Republican majority in the House kick more than one million unemployed Americans when they are down? Or – at a time when there are still three jobless workers for every job opening – will they respond to the U.S. jobs emergency by letting all House members vote on a clean bill to extend unemployment benefits to millions of families? More
Issues: Unemployment benefits
Citizen Action Group Blog Gary Zuckett January 3, 2014
Lets keep up the momentum!
I’m inspired this cold, snowing morning to hope for better times in WV with this news article which describes our WV-DHHR’s commonsense (and effective) approach to enrolling as many into Medicaid expansion as fast as possible. We are now number one in the nation on Medicaid and such a positive move makes it possible to imagine many more progressive “wins.” More
Issues: Healthcare
Citizen Action Group
Citizen Action Group Blog Gary Zuckett December 31, 2013
This blog has been a long time coming and we hope you’ll find it useful. Watch here for up-to-the-minute news on developments during the regular WV legislative session and other opportunities for concerned citizens to take an active role in their government. WV-CAG encourages every citizen to be as involved as possible in the policy decisions which affect us all. More
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG August 1, 2013
Offshore Shell Games: The Use of Offshore Tax Havensby the Top 100 Publicly Traded Companies
Many large U.S.-based multinational corporations avoid paying U.S. taxes by using accounting tricks to make profits made in America appear to be generated in offshore tax havens—countries with minimal or no taxes. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG April 4, 2013
Picking Up the Tab 2013: Average Citizens and Small Businesses Pay the Price for Offshore Tax Havens
Some U.S.-based multinational firms and individuals avoid paying U.S. taxes by using accounting tricks to shift profits made in America to offshore tax havens—countries with minimal or no taxes. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG February 5, 2013
The Hidden Cost of Offshore Tax Havens
When U.S. corporations and wealthy individuals use offshore tax havens to avoid paying taxes to the federal government, it is an abuse of our tax system. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG April 12, 2012
Corporations and the Super-Rich: PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE!
2012 Tax Season is upon us, and USAction is planning more than 32 events in 16 states to tell Corporations and the Super-Rich: PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE! More
Issues: EventFair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG January 18, 2012
Small Businesses Reject Role of Money in Politics
On Jan. 21, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in its Citizens United decision that corporations are free to spend unlimited sums of money in elections. According to opinion polling released by the American Sustainable Business Council, Main Street Alliance and Small Business Majority, two-thirds of small business owners see this decision as bad for small business. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Banking reform
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG January 18, 2012
Small Businesses Reject Role of Money in Politics; View Citizens United Decision as Bad for Business
On Jan. 21, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in its Citizens United decision that corporations are free to spend unlimited sums of money in elections. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG April 18, 2011
Tax Shell Game: How Much Did Offshore Tax Havens Cost You in 2010?
Tax havens are countries with minimal or no taxes, to which U.S.-based multinational firms or individuals transfer their earnings to avoid paying taxes in the United States. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG March 30, 2011
The Fix We’re In For: The State of West Virginia’s Bridges
A Transportation for America report on the state of West Virginia's bridges and recommendations for meeting our transportation network's vital maintenance needs. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEconomyFamiliesWorkers
Banking reform
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG April 9, 2010
Who’s Complaining about Health Care Reform? (And What Do They Pay in Taxes?)
A new analysis from Citizens for Tax Justice shows that many of the companies protesting a tax-loophole-closing reform enacted in the new health care reform law are paying corporate taxes at less than a third of the 35 percent statutory corporate tax rate, and in some cases are actually getting tax rebates back from the federal government.  More
Issues: Fair taxationHealthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG December 12, 2009
Minimum Medical Loss Ratio Could Save Billions
Only 16 years ago, health insurance companies spent almost all of the premiums they collected to pay for actual health services. More
Issues: Healthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG October 15, 2009
Will the U.S. Senate Choose to Make Health Care Affordable for Families in West Virginia?
The U.S. Senate will make a choice this month between two health reform options that affect the affordability of health coverage for America’s families. More
Issues: HCANHealthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG September 22, 2009
Background on Coventry Health Care’s Worst Practices
Wolf carried a base salary of $965,000 in 2008, and earned just over $1.9 million in stock awards. More
Issues: Healthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG July 29, 2009
Unequal Lives: Health Care Discrimination Harms Communities of Color
No one has more st stake in the political debate over how best to shape health care reform legislation than the 103 million people of color. More
Issues: HCANHealthcarePoverty
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG July 7, 2009
Three Proposals to Pay for Health Care Reform without Hurting Struggling Families in West Virginia
Health care reform can save us all money in the long-run by bringing all Americans into the health insurance system and rooting out the inefficiencies that drive up costs. More
Issues: Healthcare
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