Tag: Health Insurance

10 posts found

Action Alert CAG March 11, 2024
UnitedHealth (Doesn’t) Care: Demand United Put Care Over Cost!
Is UnitedHealthcare your health insurer? Have you had problems with said health"care" insurance provider?? More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcare
Action Alert Eve Marcum-Atkinson October 25, 2023
An URGENT Call for Aetna Claim Denial Stories
We have an URGENT need for health care stories about the Medicaid insurer Aetna Better Health of WV and what happens to people when their Doctor prescribed care has been denied. Help us fight denials on their behalf by bringing to light their struggles, making it public, and presenting these cases to Aetna. PLEASE SHARE YOUR STORY. More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcareMedicaid
Citizen Action Group Blog Eve Marcum-Atkinson July 17, 2023
Blog: My letter to Representative Miller’s Office on Healthcare in WV
Dear Emily, Thank you so much for meeting with our Healthcare For All West Virginia team on Tuesday, June 27th... Most especially, thank you for listening to our concerns as fellow West Virginians passionate about healthcare issues and relaying them to Representative Miller. More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcareMedicaidMedicare
Action Alert   March 28, 2023
What’s Up with Medicaid? Changes Coming Soon! – March 28th 6PM
Join WV Center on Budget and Policy on March 28 at 6PM for a brief webinar on the upcoming April 1st Medicaid roll cuts, who will be deemed ineligible, and how to stay updated on your coverage. More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcareMedicaid
Newsletter article   March 7, 2023
PEIA Bill A Hard New Reality for Public Employees and Their Families
If you are a PEIA member who makes $28,101 to $38,101 per year, your premium will go up from $234 to $294.83 a month. With an extra $147 a month for a spouse who chooses PEIA over their own employer-provided insurance. That raises the monthly premium to $441.83. Border counties have to pay an even higher premium with 10% more. If you are a non-Medicare retiree, expect your premium to go up around 7%. More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcareMedicare
Newsletter article   February 7, 2023
Health Care – Week 4
Anti-trans bill, bridging the Medicaid Cliff, helping WV diabetics, expanding dental care and more! More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcareInequalityMedicaid
Newsletter article   June 24, 2022
Candidate Forums and Medicaid Summit News
Healthcare for All WV is revving up for our 2022 Candidate Forums! We are also preparing to present at the 2002 Medicaid Summit in September. More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcareMedicaidMedicare
Newsletter article Eve Marcum-Atkinson June 24, 2022
Help Amplify our Key Health Care Campaigns for 2022
West Virginia Citizen Action has been a part of the fight for Health Care for All for decades... and, in 2022, we will definitely need your help to make health care policy and legislation a priority for our elected officials. More
Issues: Health InsuranceMedicaidMedicare
Newsletter article   May 25, 2022
Health Care and the People’s Action Summit
It was powerful to hear how people from all over the country are working towards justice. I was particularly moved by the personal stories of people who got involved in this work... More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcareMedicaidMedicare
Newsletter article Eve Marcum-Atkinson February 21, 2022
Jo’s Fight for Coverage During COVID
During the pandemic, "Jo" had to take unpaid leave from her job of 15 years, and lost her health insurance, in an effort to protect her family. She later found she qualified for Medicaid and discovered she could get services she couldn't afford with employer-based insurance. More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcareMedicaid