Tag: Healthcare

460 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Citizen Action Group Blog CAG December 12, 2009
Minimum Medical Loss Ratio Could Save Billions
Only 16 years ago, health insurance companies spent almost all of the premiums they collected to pay for actual health services. More
Issues: Healthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG October 15, 2009
Will the U.S. Senate Choose to Make Health Care Affordable for Families in West Virginia?
The U.S. Senate will make a choice this month between two health reform options that affect the affordability of health coverage for America’s families. More
Issues: HCANHealthcare
Press Release CAG October 13, 2009
Affordability, A Public Option, Inclusion, Coverage for All and Relief for Middle Class
WV Citizen Action today called on Senate Majority Leader Reid and his colleagues to make good on the promise of quality, affordable health care for all Americans, with a strong national public health insurance option. More
Issues: Healthcare
Press Release CAG October 6, 2009
Sen. Rockefeller Recognized as Champion for REAL HEALTH CARE REFORM
– At noon today WV groups working for Health Care Reform gathered downtown in the lobby of the old Daniel Boone Hotel to recognize West Virginia’s Senator Rockefeller as a champion for Real Health Reform. More
Issues: Healthcare
Press Release CAG September 30, 2009
Citizen Action & HCAN Applaud Sen. Rockefeller for fighting for REAL HEALTH CARE REFORM
Charleston, WV – WV Citizen Action Group joined Health Care for America Now to applaud West Virginia’s Senator Rockefeller for his valiant support for Real Health Reform in proposing an amendment that would substitute a Public Insurance Option in place of state insurance co‐ops. More
Issues: Healthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG September 22, 2009
Background on Coventry Health Care’s Worst Practices
Wolf carried a base salary of $965,000 in 2008, and earned just over $1.9 million in stock awards. More
Issues: Healthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG July 29, 2009
Unequal Lives: Health Care Discrimination Harms Communities of Color
No one has more st stake in the political debate over how best to shape health care reform legislation than the 103 million people of color. More
Issues: HCANHealthcarePoverty
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG July 7, 2009
Three Proposals to Pay for Health Care Reform without Hurting Struggling Families in West Virginia
Health care reform can save us all money in the long-run by bringing all Americans into the health insurance system and rooting out the inefficiencies that drive up costs. More
Issues: Healthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG June 23, 2009
Health Insurance Coverage in West Virginia Keeps Shrinking as Premiums, Family Costs Continue Climbing
The U.S. Senate will make a choice this month between two health reform options that affect the affordability of health coverage for America’s families. More
Issues: HCANHealthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG May 21, 2009
West Virginia Health-Plan Premiums Soar As Insurers Face Less Competition
A few privat e health insurance companies have built a near-monopoly in the West Virginia market, burdening families and businesses with premiums that grew four times faster than wages from 2000 to 2007. More
Issues: HCANHealthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG October 15, 2008
Under McCain Health Plan 99,125 People in West Virginia Would Lose Employer- Sponsored Health Cove rage
Recently a team of prominent health economists estimated that 20 million people nationwide would lose employer sponsored insurance if the health care plan proposed by Senator John McCain were to become law More
Issues: Healthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG March 14, 2007
First Things First: The President’s Budget Makes the Wrong Choices for WV
In West Virginia, we share some basic priorities. We all want our children to grow up healthy. We want to know that if we are sick or hurt, there will be doctors and nurses and ambulances ready to care for us. We want our kids to get a good education so they can get good jobs and strengthen our economy, and because an informed citizenry is the base of a healthy democracy. We want everyone to have enough nutritious food to eat. We want to breathe clean air and drink clean water. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and families
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG August 25, 2006
WV Report: We Must Invest in West Virginia’s Future
West Virginia families are facing unmet needs in the areas of education, health care, and energy policy. More
Issues: Civil RightsEnergyFamiliesHealthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG July 24, 2006
Falling into the Doughnut Hole: How Congress and the Drug Industry Created a Trap for American Seniors and People with Disabilities
The costly, confusing, and corrupt design of Part D will cause dire health consequences as 7 million Americans fall into a doughnut hole from which few will escape. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG December 15, 2005
The Federal Budget: What’s at Stake for West Virginia
As we approach this season of giving, thousands of our neighbors cannot afford even the basic necessities of living — such as food, medical care, and childcare. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and families
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG November 9, 2005
A White Paper Analysis of the GOP’s Budget Plan and Its Impact on West Virginia’s Families, Children and Seniors
The budget plan it approved this year calls for unprecedented cuts to vital services poor and middle class families – including women, children, students, seniors and minorities - depend on every day. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and families
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG June 16, 2004
One in Three: Non-Elderly Americans Without Health Insurance
This report by Families USA looks at the number of Americans that are directly affect by a lack of health insurance. A very high proportion of non-elderly (under 65) Americans were uninsured for at least one month at some point during 2002-2003. People who go without health insurance, even for short periods of time, can face devastating consequences to their health and to their economic security. More
Issues: HealthcarePoverty
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG June 16, 2004
West Virginians without Health Insurance
Every year, the U.S. Census Bureau—in its Current Population Survey (CPS)—reports the number of people who are uninsured. This widely quoted number is intended to offer an estimate of how many people did not have any type of health insurance at any point in time during the previous calendar year. More
Issues: HealthcarePoverty
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG June 16, 2004
Nearly Two in Five Children Lack Health Insurance
One in three Americans under the age of 65, and a staggering 36.7 percent of all children in America, lacked health insurance for at least a portion of 2002-2003, according to a new report released by WV Citizen Action Group today. More
Issues: HealthcareKids and familiesPoverty
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